Chapter Seventeen | London, January 1980

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Chapter Seventeen

London, January 1980


    There was a slight drizzle, much as there had been that day around fifteen years ago. The building was old and dirty brick, with the fence as towering and grim as Hazel remembered it. The tree she had been keeping alive without even knowing it was gone, the small patch of grass paved over.

Pushing the gate open, Hazel walked across the courtyard, looking up at the structure with nothing but disdain; there had never been a good day at the orphanage, just a daily repeat of hatred and fear. As much as she hated to go back that, Hazel had decided to go back on her oath never to return-it was the only place that could give her a clue to who she really was.

The paint was peeling off the door, and the bell was a toll of morbid bells; just as Hazel remembered. There was much creaking as it opened, and Hazel had a memory of opening the same door many, many years ago; it had stuck, and been very heavy. She may have used a little magic to help her along.

“May I help you?” a young woman stood in the doorway, a little breathless; she couldn’t have been much older than Hazel, which is why she was so surprised to recognise her.

“Suzanne?” she asked, taken aback “What are you doing here?”

“That’s me, yes.” Suzanne held out her hand, furrowing her brow in confusion “You look awful familiar-have we met?”

“My name is Hazel,” she said, shaking her hand “I have an appointment with Ms. Smothers-but that’s not where you know me from.”

“Hmm, well tell me afterwards; Ms. Smothers is expecting you.” Suzanne led the way down the hall, Hazel quickly following. It was so odd to see the orphanage again after all these years; the long, narrow tiled halls and cobwebbed chandeliers. Hazel’s heels clicked against the tile, and once again felt a wave of shock at seeing Suzanne. Whilst at the orphanage Suzanne was the meanest bully of them all, torturing Hazel and calling her names, pulling her hair and stealing her things. She had been a pretty child, with big blue eyes and golden ringlets that was much neater than Hazel’s-and very good at pretending to be sweet. Having always assumed she had been adopted, seeing Suzanne wearing the drab Patrons clothing and with streaks of grey already tainting her golden curls left Hazel feeling a little smug.

“Here we are.” Suzanne stepped into the room Hazel remembered as the head Patrons office. “Hazel Bowen is here Ms. Smothers.”

“Let her in.”

Suzanne stepped aside so Hazel could enter, and it was like stepping back in time. This was the same room where Hazel had met Mo for the first time, and she could practically see herself sitting on the hard back chair, hands folded and ankles crossed. She’d been wearing a blue ribbon to tie her hair back, something she had treasured whilst at the orphanage-it was rare to have something so pretty to oneself.

“Ms. Bowen,” Ms. Smothers was more or less the same too, just with greyer hair and more lines around her eyes. “Welcome to St. Falions, have a seat. Would you like a cuppa?”

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