3 - That Demon, Being Summoned

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Candles, matches, a large leather bound tome, and a knife were laid out in front of you. You sat, leaning over, with your legs tucked underneath yourself and your hair fallen elegantly in front of your face. You nervously sunk a perfect nail into the palm of your other hand, contemplating your anticipated actions. You were going through with this, that was no question. You had promised this to yourself: if you ever saw... Him, you would find a way were you would be able to keep seeing Him. Besides, wouldn't that be the perfect way to die, having the receiver of your unrequited love eat your soul? Of course, that would only be if everything went as planned. If you made a contract. And frankly, the likelihood of all of this not being a figment of your imagination was much higher than the likelihood of it being real, but this was university. You could get away with being double the amount of strange anyone outside of a university could and no one would bat an eye. But, deep inside, you desperately wished for this dream of yours to come true. So, you turned out the lights, and returned to your spot on the ground. You expertly flicked your wrist as you striked a single match against its box, the sulphur smell filling the pitch-black space. Setting the five candles equidistant from each other and lighting them was your first task, but that wasn't your biggest concern. . .

The blade in your hand was pure gold in the light of the flames. There was also a crimson tint, but no where near as red as it would be soon. You passed it back and forth in your hands and you felt the tension in your stomach grow. You had to do this. Acting on impulse, like ripping off a bandage, you slit your smooth palm, letting the blood make a cultish pattern on the floor. You inhaled sharply from the intense pain, but you carried on. Wiping the blood from your hand, you picked up the leather book, turning to the dog eared page and reciting.

"Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi; qui pius es, factus, prou do, plaus tis a netut actus: miserere nobis."

You waited for what you estimated was at least a minute. Nothing. What could have been wrong?! At this point, you were past hiding your complete belief in his appearance, and so you were genuinely stunned. Why wasn't he here?! You think back. What did Ciel do? You eyes shoot open as you recite.

"There is no god!!" You voice echoes back to your ears once, twice, a faint three times. Still nothing. What had you done wrong?! You jolt up and scream out your anger.

"God DAMN IT! WHY?! WHY AREN'T YOU HERE?! WHAT THE HELL? This is all I EVER wanted and-!"

"Ohoho, miss. I assure you, there is no need to be so distraught. I am here."

You froze and immediately bit your lower lip to contain your overriding emotions. That dark velvet voice, that laugh. You fought a desperate battle just to reply in monotone and not in a high-pitched squeal. You would not look like a fool in front of him, not again. You managed a cold laugh.

"Are you here for a contract, sir?" You tried to add a sneer for good measure. You didn't want your...infatuation... to be too obvious. That and your slowly growing terror.

"I wouldn't come if I didn't believe that adequate reimbursement would be supplied."

A smooth voice echoed from nowhere. You could then see a gleaming white smirk in the middle of a painful darkness, the teeth sharp and pristine.

"Well? What are you waiting for then?" You used all of your courage and strength to speak forcefully to who you knew was there.

"Eheheh. A specimen like you must be marked apart from the rest..."

He spoke audibly, but certainly not for your benefit. It seemed like he was musing to himself. Possibly about where your contract seal would be placed? Were you to be in contract with a demon? For the first time, the reality of you situation hit you. This was not a fantasy, this was happening. You would be eaten and then damned to hell. For what? Why?

"Hmm. Perfect."

You heard the demon say as the most intense pain, more intense than the flames of hell you had put yourself into, pierced right above your heart.

God, this was going to be great.

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