1 - That Demon, First Meeting

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You are [y/n]. You have been in university in England for 5 years, and you were currently 23 years old. This surprised most people, because you already have 2 PhDs in your chosen field. Bringing together challenges from almost any area you could think of, you and your IQ of 144 relish in its work. However, lately you've seemed to lose track of it all. Nothing really clicked anymore, and life just wasn't as appealing as it used to be. Having no desire to see the family you left behind or make a new one, you decided that you wanted to say goodbye. You hadn't told your best friend Abby yet, and you probably weren't going to. She would find out when she found out. After being friends since the sixth grade and being dorm room mates for your five years of college, you really didn't want to tell her. And she would be the only one who would really miss you. But tomorrow, she would be alone. You would be gone.

These were the things you thought about in your English Literature class (you only took it because Abby wanted at least one class with you). After hearing the 5 minute bell, you were reminded that you had to turn your test in. You had finished early and started spacing out, as usual. With a quick slide out of your seat, you were the first student to turn in your paper, also as usual.
"Finished already, eh [y/n]?" Dr. Smith, the professor asked, mockingly. He had taken an immediate disliking to you, most likely because you corrected his summary of Hamlet and read manga on the first day.
"Yes, sir." You managed to remember your manners in the presence of that blithering fool for once. Without paying attention to the comment he made after that (about your handwriting, most likely), you headed back to your seat for the remainder if the class, reading the first volume of your favourite series.
"[Y/N]!!" You heard Abby call after you. It must have been the end of class. You took your messenger bag and shoved in the loose papers from your desk into its open maw.
"Yes." You said, annoyed, hurrying after her. You went through the door and out the hallway before you caught up, she hadn't waited for you, again.
"That was irritating!!" She exclaimed after noticing you were there. "I mean, I guess you look fyne."
"Well, as much power as I may have, I can't do everything. It's impossible to get you to go away." You teased while rummaging through your bag. Your eyebrows crinkled in a slur of confusion and anger.
"What are you looking for, dude?" Abby asked, peering over your shoulder.

"My book! My special book!! I've had that for- forever!!!" You replied, concentrating. "CRAP! I must have left it in The Idiot's room! Who knows what he's going to do with it!" You almost yelled before abruptly turning around, knocking right into someone. The person didn't move an inch, so all of the force went right back into you, causing all of your books to fall out of your bag.
"I-I'm sorry..." You mumbled, quite flustered. You quickly got on your hands and knees to pick up all of your stuff.
"It's nothing, miss." A velvet voice came from right next to you, the man you bumped into was helping you with your things. You looked up after hearing his perfect voice, and saw a tall man with a black suit jacket, a white button-up shirt, and a black tie. The nails on his pristine pale hands were painted black, clashing, and yet strangely working with the strict attire. 'His outfit is quite formal. That's a bit excessive...
Wait. That can't be...' You thought to yourself.
"Are you quite alright, miss? That seemed like a hard fall." A dark velvet voice inquired. The man finally turned to face you, and as he did, you stared through his ebony locks into garnet eyes, their unnaturally scarlet colour causing your heart to pick up its pace.
"Miss? Did you hit your head?" The man moved one hand to yours, and pulled you up gently with a slight smile you knew wasn't sincere.
"O-Oh, um, yes. I mean, no. I'm perfectly fine." You felt yourself stare directly at him, and luckily your face wasn't turning red--yet. "I'm sorry for smashing into you like that..." You bowed slightly for some unknown reason, still in a daze.
"Oh, not at all, miss...?" He said, inquiring for your name.
"[Y/n]..." You answered, dreamily. Maybe you had hit your head. Hard. This was impossible.
"Well, I'm glad you're alright. It seemed as though you were in a hurry, so I won't keep you any longer." The man bowed as Abby rushed up to you. He also looked into your open bag, saw something, and smirked devilishly. Still in a daze, you only heard his polished shoes click as he began to walk away.

"Oh. My. Gosh!! Well, he was handsome!" She whispered to you, eyebrows dancing exactly in the way you despised as she pushed you forward. You were about to say something, but had one last look backwards, only to be greeted by the man's smirk as he held one finger up to his face.
"Shhh." He mouthed, urging you to keep quiet. Obviously he had seen the look in your eyes. Your brain urged you to tell Abby, but your mouth wouldn't move.
"Hey, dude? Don't you want your book?" Your friend waved her hand in front of your face to check if you were okay.
"Hm? Oh, no... no, I'll be okay..." You said, face suddenly turning red.
"Oooooh, [y/n] likes someoneeee!" Abby prods your burning cheek. "I totally told you you wouldn't die alone!" She smiled to herself pridefully.
"Let's just go back to the dorm." You say with your head down.
"Yup, someone definitely has a crush!" You sigh at her comment. Must she always be so annoying? You habitually put your hand inside of your messenger bag, only for your hands to meet a familiar object, the book you knew you left in class. You pulled it out to look it over.

Kuroshitsuji Volume I

The cover read.
'Seems like I have a reason for tomorrow.' You thought to yourself.

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