7 - Your Demon, Making Aquaintances

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<<I've decided I'll start posting new chapters every one hundred reads until that becomes too little time to write! Thank you so much for your support! It seems that we are past that mark, so here it is!
350+ reads... it fills me with... determination!>>

You took long strides to get back to your dorm. You were in a right sour mood, and your face was held in an unwavering grimace. You hated losing bets. You hated losing games. You hated losing anything. How were you supposed to keep your pride when you had lost a bet! Lost it while he was there!

You got to the door and paused, taking in a sharp breath, then turned around.

"Wait out here." You must have ordered in a menacing tone, as his eyebrows raised and he held back a chortle. You swore at him inside of the safety of your thoughts and flung the door open and shut around you. Now where the hell was she?

"Oh my god! ____! You're back!" Abby sprinted forward, seemingly to attack you. You were fast, and held up your arms in defence. She rammed her head directly into your stomach, and tied her arms around your waist. You dead-panned. Obviously she was the only person crazy enough to give you a hug at a sprinting start.

However, you had relaxed, and allowed her to hold you up with the hug, so when she let go carelessly, you fell into a seething pile of anger on the floor. She could really tone it down sometimes.

"SO! So! Soooo..." She wiggled her eyebrows around suggestively, waiting for details of last night. You sighed at you pushed yourself back up after your fall. You weren't in the mood for this.
"Yes." Your short and non-explanatory response confused her.
"Yes like... yes? Or yes like... I dunno. The other type of yes." Was she intentionally this irritating? You knew she got on your nerves, but it was funny, and endearing. However, the current problem was not your friends communication skills, or lack thereof, but of telling her you had actually made a contract. You tried to avoid saying: 'Yes, I have made a contract with a demon.' He was right outside, and you were sure he could hear everything that was going on. So, you decided on a more complex and dignified route.
"The... arrangement we made yesterday... You were correct." You cringed at her slowly growing smile. You could tell she was about to freak out, and decided to take quick action. You shoved your hand onto her mouth and shushed her silently, motioning to the door to let her know he was outside. She nodded, but you saw something evil grow in her eyes. You removed you hand, knowing she understood.

"So..." She started. "About the conditions of our... agreement." She winked at you and you shivered. You forgot that if she won the bet, she could decide on something to make you do! Shit. You knew her well enough to know that she would try to embarrass you in front of him in any way she could. You decided it was the best option if all of this could be talked about when he wasn't right outside the door, so you changed the subject.
"Right. Well. We could always fix that later, right?" You pointed back at the door again and stared at her menacingly. She understood again, but her sky smile wouldn't go away. Then she paused, and looked puzzled.
Where is the contract mark? She mouthed to you so he couldn't hear. Your eyes shot open. Where was it? Even you yourself had no idea! You inspected your hands, your tongue, you even looked at your mirror to inspect you eye in case Abby had gone blind and not seen it. It wasn't there!
I have no idea! You mouthed back. This was really strange. You thought to ask him once you wen outside to introduce him to Abby, but... That would be really embarrassing...
Let's just go. You spoke silently again, and walked towards the door with her following behind. You opened the door and found him standing there, in entirely different clothes than a moment ago! He was now wearing a white polo, black jacket, and black jeans that were... almost tight. You looked away at his shoes- they were black leather. You remembered the contract symbols and looked at his left hand, but his hands were covered in white leather cutoff gloves. They left his nails exposed, but properly covered his contract mark.
"Is this suitable, miss?" He inquired, asking about his clothes. You were speechless.
"It is acceptable to have black nails nowadays, and full gloves would make me stand out, so I changed, per your instructions on inconspicuousness." He grinned, knowing he was getting to you. He looked to Abby.
"Is this your friend, miss?" You shook your head to go out of your stupor, and regained your manners.
"Eh, yes. Abby, meet... Sebastian," You mumbled his name. "Sebastian, meet Abby." He extended his hand, and you realised she was just as dumbfounded as you. She took it dazedly and stared after they shook hands. After a moment, she too regained composure. Or... slightly did.

"____ and I have been reading about you since we were kids!" She blurted out. Your ears didn't believe what they were hearing. You stared at her in horror as she bumbled her way out of embarrassment.
"Well, you know, because you're in a manga. And, um, we both really like it! You're super cool! Uh-!" She was a total mess! You were terrified, but relieved. At least you weren't the only one he made into a bumbling idiot! He had a hand up to his mouth, trying to suppress his laughter at your obvious pain.
"Wh- what she means is," you started to repair the damages. "We are both confused as to... how you're real?" You were bright red, but at least you had sort of fixed it.

"Would you really like to know, miss?" He paused as you inhaled an excited breath. Were you going to get an origin story?

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