8 - Your Demon, Depicting

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He was about to explain everything. Everything you had ever wanted to know, the entire world you had to look upon your entire life but could never be a part of, it was about to be yours. You desperately just wanted to be there, meet them all, see them, talk to them. But, your realisation caught your breath and held it momentarily against your wishes. If he was here, then... everyone else was dead by now. Everyone. Baldo, Mey-Rin, Finny, Lizzie, Agni, Soma-


They were all-

"You see, miss, after the contra-" 'Sebastian' started, but couldn't finish.
"Stop." He slightly took a step back in utter surprise at your halting words. Abby was in awe as well.
"What do you mean?! Come onnnn, I wanna hear!" She urged.

Sebastian didn't know what to think, but he smiled slightly. You were surely an amusement. Quite different from the rest. Your motives, your emotions, all were disguised. Almost like a cat, he thought. His smirk widened.

"Well, I do not. Just tell me. Is the manga correct?" You felt silly referring to a manga book as being a non-fiction piece of literature, but... it was now. This entire world was real now... Your stomach tightened in anticipation. If the manga was correct, you didn't truly know the past. You didn't want to know. The thought of Him blatantly telling you without him caring about them at all, that all of your childhood friends, all of the characters that had always been there for you, that they were real, but long before your lifetime.... it was too much for you to handle. You had enough emotional and logical breakthroughs in the past 24 hours, and you certainly didn't want to hear that they were....

"Yes, miss. In my understanding of it, it is accurate to the events that transpired during that contract." He said it so lifelessly, so plainly, like it hadn't mattered to him. God, of course it didn't. He was a demon. He didn't have emotions, he didn't have feelings. He could never love or care about anyone... especially not you.... Your insides twisted in anguish.

"Alright." You frosted over your exterior so you wouldn't show him emotion. Emotion was weakness.
"Go.... pet a cat or something. That's an order." You turned around to head back to your dorm. It had been a crazy day ad night, and you just needed some alone time. Sebastian offered up no qualms and left without any objections. Of course he would do that, you thought. However, Abby was... not the same.
"Wh-wh- How could you do that?!" she trailed behind you and hovered by your shoulder.
"Don't you want to know about it?!"

I don't expect you to understand." Your response seemed cold, but it was just pensive. You were thinking.
"I'm just... I'm just going to go take a shower, okay?" You needed to work stuff out alone.

Water dripped down furiously like the tears you thought you should have been making. How could you not be upset that all of you're... well... Your 'friends' died? Droplets raced each other as fast as your thoughts. Why had he chosen you? The rush of the stream filled your ears with a sea-like sound. Why would he want you in a contract? Your heart ran to the pace of the splashes hitting the ground. How could this actually be your real life? Your hand twisted the knob and the water turned off in an unwelcome silence. Your mind went blank with the echoes of the room as you stepped out. The mirror was misted over. You decided to write in it.

Please make this go well for me.

The words clung on the damp surface and allowed the light of the room to reflect back to you. You paused. Did you see something? You wiped away your wet wish and almost screamed out loud. All of the pain on your heart, all of the burning sensations... that was the contract seal being formed. Your face turned a shade darker than a setting sun.
"Oh god. Ohhhh god."

You were Lust from FullMetal Alchemist...

A circle and star sat a fair ways below your collar bones, a dark black that persistently stood out.

He put the contract mark... right above your chest?!

Well, that just happened everyone! I'm surprised I even wrote this, to be honest, the inappropriate stuff isn't ever my forte... But, what the heck. I think it works. It seems as though I was able to keep up with deadlines, but I don't know how long that will last. I was in a good mood, as I just got back from a convention (Grell cosplay hurts your feet, people! Especially when you have the chainsaw and you wear it for 2 days!), so I decided to post this early. Happy summer, all!
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