4 - That Demon, Second Impressions

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This was moving fast. Too fast. He must have been there the whole time, but only decided to show up after you had embarrassed yourself. Bastard. Your face was flushed and your heart was moving to a staccato rhythm. You know he could tell how you were feeling. Double bastard. You liked it when he took pleasure from other people's pain, but you squirmed when it was from your own. You knew he was enjoying this.

"Now, Miss. The contract is in place. I am sure you know that it cannot be reversed."

His smirk seeped into his tone. God, he WAS a bastard. A total bastard. You tried to make yourself hate him so he couldn't embarrass you further. It wasn't working.

"I have made my decision. It would have been foolish to act before being sure. I will not go back." You stared into the darkness, knowing wherever you were looking was directly into into his piercing gaze.

"Fuhuhu, your demeanour matches your soul it seems. Now, what form shall I take, Miss? Surely you will decide upon one which matches the duties you will ask of me?"

He was being fresh. While you usually found his snideness endearing, it was not exactly the same while it was at your own expense.

"You know what I want, demon. Just don't dress flashily. You don't need any extra attention to your façade, your ego will explode." You tried to act hostile, and succeeded. However, you were sure he understood the hidden compliment you only wanted yourself to comprehend.
The atmosphere of the room thickened as you sensed something happening. It was just like the manga! You tried desperately not to fangirl, as you knew it was more unbecoming than what you wanted to present yourself as. You looked down, perhaps your subtle choice of casual Ciel cosplay, official Kuroshitsuji shoes, and assorted themed jewellery was not the best option when you vied for discreet obsession. You pushed your thoughts away in a nanosecond and looked up just in time to see a form step out of the darkness.
"As you wish, Miss."

You felt your heart implode. God. He was.... very... Well, you tried not to think about his pitch hair that fell perfectly in front of his porcelain face, his eyes, a mix of wine and brown, that smugly knew what you were thinking, his pristine teeth that you knew he had changed to suit appearances of his prey, his broad shoulders and slender torso, long legs, and devilish smile. You convinced yourself that you had looked past it. But, wait... was he somehow more attractive than he had been the first time? You immediately felt yourself grow self-conscious. You were sure you were quite a bit more than bland and matronly in comparison. He was looking like this to spite you, to make a game of the feelings he surely knew you had that would never be returned. Damn him.

"Will this be suitable?" His voice had ceased to be omnipresent, and now actually came from his being, like it had before. You realised you had so many questions to ask him, so many things that resolutions had failed to address. While you took the manga as canonical, how accurate had the anime been? How had his other contracts gone, had he been in any after Ciel? Wait, no. You were getting ahead of yourself. SURELY, you must ask how his life had even been made into a manga! However, you held your tongue. You really wanted to impress him.
"Y-Yes." Your voice stuttered slightly due to your internal tangent. You cringed. You really weren't the graceful, elegant, well-mannered lady he made a point of demanding in the Green-Witch arc of the manga. Shit, you were fangirling again. This is why you embarrassed yourself.

"Well, if the topic of appearances has been resolved, there are more matters that must be attended to before we can both be coherent in public." His voice was amazing, a satin and silver amalgamation of decadence. How did his voice suit his look more than Daisuke Ono had?
No! you were distracted again. You realised that this was what hundreds of others must have experienced before you, complete and utter ditziness in his presence. Stupid demon tricks.
"Yes? Like what, exactly?" You managed to keep your tone level. Thank goodness.

He smirked, and you realised that eternal damnation might not be the only hell you'd be experiencing. He looked ready to thoroughly embarrass you.

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