Chapter 3: A new home Hanto

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When I got home with Hans I immediately did my "cute face" to them. I really wanted to win them over early. When they gave me the treat Hans intercepted it and they said "awww! How cute!" Then he did a sit pretty and they were going to give him a treat but they dropped it. It went into the pond that I just noticed. He went after it and found it. He took it to us and started showing it off and then ate it. After he told me "That is why I am called a golden retriever".

"Isn't he cute Serena?"the man said.

"Yes, they are Jack."the woman, Serena said.

I like Serena better cause she is giving me a chance. Jack automatically liked Hans. I wish we didn't get bought at the same time. They would both like me. Sorry but I got to go to sleep and stop complaining. This is our new house. I better get used to it.

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