Chapter 14: So close, and yet so far Detective Jameson

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    Call me Detective, Officer, Secret Agent, Sir, whatever you want. I don't care. My job is hard, and sometimes I have to be tough. I know when a case is hard, easy, or intermediate. Unfortunately I get a lot of hard cases and very little easy cases.

    When I got this new case I almost laughed! A dognapper case going federal? Crazy! So I decided to get a few other detectives, and knocked on the criminal's door. I waited for 5 minutes and nobody answered. I had a severe temptation to ring the doorbell, but Jack told me not to. I knocked again. And then again. Still nobody answered. I was getting inpatient. Then finally my buddies and I knocked down the door. We gasped at what we saw.

It was a maze. It had 4 entrances  and in three of them we could fit 2 people and the last one we could fit one (We had 7 people). I decided to be the loner while the other 6 people could make groups of two. When I went in I ran 80 yards to be stopped by a barricade. There was rocks beside it. I am not stupid so I started throwing the rocks at the barricade. They were very large rocks and they were hard to pick up. After 30 minutes I succeed.

I saw a note on the ground. I picked it up. It said:

I see you passed the first test. Congratulations. But don't get cocky. This is the easiest test yet.

Then I heard a crumbling behind me. I look back and saw the walls were caving in. Oh no! I thought and I ran as fast as I could. I came across a door. I opened it and saw 3 doors and another note.

The note read:

Now you make the decision. Door one, two, or three.

I decided to sit back and consider what door I should open. One, two, or three. Then I realised that everything is in threes at this place. That might be useful later.

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