Chapter 4:New dogs Serena

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Hi my name is Serena. Serena William Smith. I am married to Jack Fredrick Smith. I am having a mid-life crisis to take care of the dogs.

I just woke up and Jack is already at work. He is a accountant that works for RSM accounting. He makes 63,000 a year. That makes us well paid.

We got married 4 years ago. I wanted a child but it was to early. So we settled on dogs. I personally like Hanto a lot. I sympathize him. He is a very cute dog. He is very annoyed by Hans. I can relate. I had some very annoying brothers and sisters.

Grunt! Hanto just woke up! Time for some fun!

We started playing fetch for a few hours until Hans joined in and tackled him and took the ball. I put Hans in the bad doggy jail Jack made. After 5 minutes I let him out. He had his tail down.

I decided to walk them. Hanto was good but Hans was freaked out. When he was finally calm we went for a walk. It was very fun but Hans and Hanto were looking and sniffing everything. They had been in a pound for  years not knowing the real world. They probably loved it.

When we got home they both collapsed on the couch. They must be so tired! So cute. So I'll just take a nap on my own. So goodbye!

I just woke up and its time to make dinner. I always make the best. Tonight I am making steak and mashed potatoes. Ding-dong Jack is home! It's time for dinner!

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