Chapter 11: Michelle Jack

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OK I am not dead. It was just a statue. I got up and crawled down the hallway. I yelled for help. Probably not the smartest thing I have done. I kept on going. This seemed to go on forever. Oh wait! I can use Google maps. I am on Main St. Well under main street. Oh, this is the old mine that got closed down years ago. They put super strong supports. Whoever owns this place must be rich. Or hire a lot of people. Or a very good architect. I don't know. It doesn't matter. What matters is I get out of here.

I found this little room. I will sleep here. Goodnight.

I wake up to someone saying " Oh you are here." Its Michelle. She says "Well it will be hard for you to get out." She pulls out a gun and shoots me in the leg. I black out.

When I woke up I was in a alley near Main St. I call police. When they come they took me to the hospital. They had to set my leg. They gave me a splint. They put stitches in my gun wound. All is well I think. Then it hits me. They will still have to find Michelle.

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