Chapter 15: Staircase Hans

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Hanto and I ran as fast as we could, but Michelle was catching up. We found stairs and slid under them. Michelle gave up. We decided to sleep for a little while to bore Michelle.

When we woke up we saw that Michelle was sleeping so we quietly creeped up the stairs. We ran 20 feet and we were stopped by a half wall with a wooden bottom. I saw a letter that said: ( I am still trying to read so it's jumbled up)

WeII y0u gassed. G00b j0q. I sqw y0u d1eak +hr0qh the d0ttem.

Hanto  took one look at it and said " We have to break trough the wooden bottom."

It took a long time but we did it. Then we ran 20 yards and saw a door. I said " Brace yourself!" And we both broke down the door.

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