Chapter 1

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Laughter filled the night air as the six friends followed Pete through the night. Pete had told them he had a surprise for them, something fun. Pete cheerily strolled down the street, wind howling in his ears, nipping at his face with its icy cold breath. Pete had short, gelled back, bleach blonde hair with deep brown eyes. He was always scribbling stuff down in his journal; poems, lyrics, stories. Pete was always happy to mess around with his friends, especially if he could find a way to scare them. That was all that was going through his mind now.

Jenna happily skipped down the road next to Vic. Vic was walking along the edge of the pavement, his brown eyes sparkling with content in the darkness as the beautiful girl next to him leaped into a puddle on the deserted road, splashing herself and him. Jenna was prancing in the middle of the empty road while chatting to Vic, every time she saw a puddle she would jump into it in an attempt to splash Vic. The two chuckled and giggled together following Pete through the night. Jenna had recently cut her hair short and dyed it a deep emerald green and black. She had steel blue eyes and was wearing a plain white T-shirt that read; "Human Life is Sacred," but the word "Human," was crossed out and replaced with the world "All." She also wore a backwards, black snapback. Vic had long, flowing brown hair that reached his shoulders. He had pulled a black beanie over his head and was wearing a tartan jacket and a plain white t-shirt under it. Jenna moved into the town a couple of years ago from Australia, ever since she first moved in, her and Vic had been inseparable. They both loved being with each other and their other friends, so when Pete announced to them he had a surprise, they both didn't hesitate to follow him out into the bleak and cold night, it was the holidays after all.

Behind Jenna and Vic, Rel and Amy were walking side by side, having a conversation about clothes. Although this may sound like the the typical "girly" conversation, Rel was actually explaining to Amy how she had made her dress. Rel had bought a lot of band t-shirt and ripped them up, then she sewed them back together to make a dress made entirely out of logos and names, over the top she wore a studded leather jacket and knee high lace up boots with ripped black leggings. Rel had crystal blue eyes and neon pink hair with purple highlights here and there and black tips, on this particular night her hair was swept back into a neat bun. Amy had long raven hair, as black as the night itself, her stunning green eyes gleamed as the pale moon illuminated her features. Amy loved the Victorian era, Gothic style clothing, and was wearing a red Victorian style corset with black lace on the shoulders, she also wore a short black skirt that had patches of tartan on it. She also wore ripped tights under the skirt and knee high buckled boots.

Trailing behind at the back of the group was Alex and Andy. The street lights caused shadows to dance across their figures as they walked, neither of them spoke that much but it wasn't really an awkward silence, more a comfortable silence, they were both happy with each others company but didn't really want to speak. Alex didn't particularly want to go wherever Pete was taking them and Andy was too tired to make an effort at conversation so they both enjoyed the silence. Alex was wearing a red jacket and a plain black t-shirt, he also wore a pair of skinny jeans with the pattern of the US flag on them in grey. He had dark brown hair swept across his face, with deep brown eyes, Alex was usually very lively and energetic but he couldn't help a feeling of foreboding looming over him. Andy had black hair swept over and pushed to one side of his head. He had piercing blue eyes and wore a black leather jacket adorned with badges, underneath that he wore a batman t-shirt with black skinny jeans. Andy may not be the most outgoing or talkative character bu he still usually had a smile on his face and enjoyed laughing along with his friends, however he to felt the dark aura surrounding this surprise trip into the desolate darkness.

Finally, The seven arrived at an old abandoned house, the wood looked old and grey and ivy crawled up the lifeless husk as if desperate to get away from the soulless house. Dead. That was the one word to describe the house; dead.

Pete walked up to the door and lightly pushed it open. With a loud creak that resonated within the house, the door slowly cleared way for Pete and the others. The pale moonlight seeped into the darkness of the house, illuminating the black windows that no longer allowed in light; the bleak floor embellished with an unknown stain; the faded memories trapped within photo frames; the flat board lying in the middle of the floor, decorated with the letters of the alphabet, numbers 0-9 and the words "Yes." "No." "Hello." And "Goodbye."


So, that was the first chapter. I know it's really bad but its just setting the scene and introducing the characters, hopefully it will get better. If anyone is reading this thank you, I'm looking forward to writing more, I don't know when I'll update but something tells me no one's gonna read this so it's fine.

Bye tumble weed


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