Chapter 9

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Vic and Amy speed walked down through the inky black night in solemn silence. Each breath they took appeared in front of them in the form of swirling mist. Both of their throats were raw from crying. Every step they took broke their hearts more as the reality sunk in, there was seven of them once, now there are two. Pete Wentz; charismatic and charming, a lyrical genius, ripped in two. Andy Biersack; kind, honest, attractive, intelligent, a bright future was predicted for him, ripped into shreds. Alex Gaskarth; a talented and kind young boy who had pulled through the darkest of times, forced into suicide to save his friends. Ariel Bloomer, bright personality with a unique voice and style, ripped apart. Jenna McDougal, a beautiful young girl in every single sense of the word, neck snapped. These were the people who were going to make a difference to the world, to inspire millions and do what they love. These were the people who deserved to live. These were the deaths that destroyed their family's and friend's hearts.

Vic and Amy paused at the massive wooden door of the church. The old metal swirled in intricate patterns with an orange rust coating it. The two looked at each other and shared a look. A look that told each other of their pain. A look that expressed a thousand words. A look that comforted each other. A look that gave them strength. They pushed the door open simultaneously and stepped into the dark church.

The door screeched slightly before slamming shut making the pair jump. The man in one of the pews turned and smiled warmly at them, the vicar. (Vicar? Priest? Pastor? Idk) He began walking over to them as his shoes made a slight clicking sound when colliding with the smooth wooden floor. The church was dark but royal blue, blood red and bright yellow glittered onto the floor from the celestial stained glass window. The array of colours stood out to the two and they felt slightly up-lifted by the insane beauty of such a simple thing, yet the lumps in their throat remained.

"Hello children. Is there anything I can help you with?" The man smiled generously. Kindness shone in his eyes. His features were highlighted by wrinkles and his hair embossed with silver. Amy and Vic glanced at each other again.

"Where do we start?" Amy sighed, her voice cracking a bit at the end, symbolising the start of her tears.

"We're, we're being haunted... Hunted... by a-a demon..." Vic's voice did the same as Amy's before the tears quickly slipped from the corners of their eyes and they tried to control their sobs as they explained their story. The man looked between the two, he didn't want to believe them but they couldn't fake the trauma lacing their face at that moment. So he agreed to help.


Heyy, I updated, YAY!

So the first chapter for my one shots are coming out now and I hope you guys enjoy it! Also apologies for the short chapter, I'm not feeling very inspired at the moment-_- but hopefully the last chapter will end with a bang!

Thank you :D


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