Chapter 5

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Once again the police got nothing out of the teens. They just wept and grieved with Andy's family. Determination burned within Amy, she walked alone to start with, away from the scene, to a place she was familiar with. Amy was joined with a sniffling Alex by her side, followed by a traumatised Vic, a tear-stained Jenna and a sobbing Rel, they all walked along the darkening road to their destination; The library.

Gaining a few sympathetic yet curious looks from the librarian, the five remaining walked to a long table surrounded by rows and rows of large, soaring bookshelves, embellished with blood red, navy blue, dusty greys and mahogany browns. Amy knew where she was going, she had always found an interest in supernatural and had read many books from this library on it, walking over to the correct section, she pulled out a couple books that caught her attention; "Ouija Boards Gone Wrong," "Which Spirit?" "Demons and Malevolent Spirits; How To Identify and Expel," "History Of Hauntings," "Supernatural Crimes," and "Local Unusual Crimes." She dumped the books on the long table with the others in silence; everyone picked up a book and began flicking through the pages, eyes scanning the words desperate to find something that may relate to them. About forty five minutes had gone by and they had discovered one piece of information; the house they had performed the Ouija board at had some history. Many years ago, the family that lived there was murdered in extremely gruesome circumstance; they arrested the final surviving member of the family, the father, for murder who then hung himself in police custody. The father was convinced it was a little girl doing the killings, he said she would not rest until they were all dead, the father was assumed clinically insane. One thing was for sure, the house was haunted, however, the friends still have not discovered what it is or why it is doing this, until;

"I've got it!" Jenna called. Everyone looked at her expectantly. "I think the ghost is someone known as "The Eyeless." She usually takes the form of a young girl but whatever she takes the form of, they never have any eyes. She is believed to haunt certain location and only kills her victims in very grisly ways. They can only be summoned through Ouija board and, get this, can be identified by always spelling out game on the Ouija board..." Jenna trailed off.

"Does it say what game she wants to play? Or how we get rid of her?" Amy questioned.

"No Survivors." Alex answered, without looking up from his book he answered. "She played that game with my brother." Alex explained solemnly. Everyone took a moment to process this new information; everyone suddenly understood why Alex didn't want to use the Ouija board, they also understood the circumstances around Tom's death but that was for another time.

"There um," Jenna began hesitantly. "There isn't a reason why she does what she does um, she's not a ghost, she's a demon. There have been many accounts of The Eyeless, she tends to reside with a house but can easily leave to find her victims. All the accounts have been witness statements and... No one ever survivors once she has been summoned..." All the five friends looked at each other; an icy spider crawled up their backs making them shiver. They sat in silence for a while, realising their fate.

"I'm gonna get another book." Alex sighed with tears in his eyes; out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed a lingering shadow, something that seemed to watch and study them, he knew what it was. He walked away from the others and down the rows of books; he placed the book back then kept walking. Alex wanted to be as far away from his friends as possible, just in case someone went to check on him and became caught up in this game as well. When he thought he was far enough away from the others he stopped and turned knowing they would be safe for the time being.

Turning around, Alex was met by the person who had taken so many people from him. She tilted her head and smiled at him, blood seeping from the empty sockets. Alex closed his eyes and waited for the pain but nothing happened, he felt something in his hand, he felt his body move without control. Alex's eyes shot open to see himself brandishing a gun and walking back along the rows of books, back towards his friends, a voice in his head whispered; "Pick one," it hissed, "You have four choice's" The venomous words floated through his mind as he continued to take forced steps towards his friends. Desperately, Alex tried to stop but to no avail when suddenly, a familiar voice chimed in; "Alex, I'm so sorry, but you know what you have to do." The comforting voice of Tom made Alex's eyes go wide but he could do nothing.

Yes, he thought.

"You just have to break through her, you can do it, I believe in you." Alex could practically see his brothers reassuring smile

Still in no control of his body, Alex got closer to his friends; he noticed his gun pointing towards them, the voice returning.

"Pick one... Pick one... Pick one..."


Desperately fighting against the voice he looked at his friends, the terror and abject horror was plastered on their faces, as helpless as he was against The Eyeless. Vic leapt in front of the others and pushed them behind his outstretched arms, managing to herd them behind his small body.

"Come on Alex!"

"Pick one... Pick one... Pick one..."

With a sudden burst of strength Alex managed to mutter; "I choose me."

Within a split second Alex moved the gun to the underside of his jaw and fired. All the voices went silent.

Vic's arms fell by his side, his face in disbelief, unable to move. Rel ran past Vic to Alex, she knew it was no use however, he was truly gone but at least he was with Andy, Pete, and Tom and, as he was assumed dead at this point, his old friend Jack Barakat. Rel fell onto Alex's chest and began to sob; her body racked as Amy sat beside her and pulled her into a hug. Jenna fell to her knees opposite the pair, she let her hair cascade in front of version as covered her face with her hands. Vic just stood, unable to believe what he had just witnessed, what he had just been through, he just stared in utter shock and horror.

They knew they would be flooded with questions when they called the police, so they just gave themselves some time to grieve before the suspicion, questions and hatred fell on them again...

I finally updated! I hope you are enjoying and thank you so much for reading, it means a lot!


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