Chapter 10 *FINAL*

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Cautiously, Amy, Vic and George (the vicar/priest/pastor/whateverthehellthey'recalled,) swung open the creaky door of the house that started it all. If the Eyeless was released through the Ouija board and, like Alex mentioned, had been released before, it was most likely because she is bound to the house, like a spirit, but unfortunately the solution wasn't as easy as burning her bones.

Hesitantly, the three stepped into the room. In middle of the room lay an ominous board and planchette. "I-I thought it was destroyed." Vic sniffed, the two teens stepped closer while George remained by the door. George wore an assortment of pendants and protection charms, they were incredibly obvious just in case The Eyeless tried to mess with the exorcism

"We, er, have to make sure she's here-" The old man was cut off by the door slamming behind him and a devious giggle. George stumbled towards them as silence fell. The air became cold, chilling, haunting. Wisps of breath swirled in front of them before the silence was pierced by an all too familiar conversation. The three whipped around to see seven teens gathered around the Ouija board, screaming, crying, and panicking. One boy with short blonde hair raced to the door as the deafening silence returned. The three of them stood in literal pitch blackness as the memories gruesomely replayed before them.

Pete struggled with the door. It didn't open. A little girl stood behind him. It turned into the hideous beast Amy had seen before hand. It grabbed Pete, one long, bony hand around his shoulder, the other around his leg. It's long and pointed nails dug into Pete's flesh and ripped through his clothes drawing blood. It stretched and pulled at the teen before a horrific ripping sound polluted the air and Pete's body ripped in half. Vic forced his eyes shut while Amy hid her face on the other's shoulder and George starred in abject horror.

Pete's mangled body dispersed into wisps of smoke and another ghost returned. Andy. He stood starring into his chaotic reflection with tear tracks lining his face. That's when he caught sight of her in the corner; he turned with a hauntingly fearful expression only to be met with nothing. He turned back to the mirror and standing directly to his left was The Eyeless. The transformation began and Andy ran to the door. Unable to open it he frantically hit it. "HELP! PLEASE SOME-" The Eyeless grabbed his shoulder and forced him away from the door, her claw-like nails sinking beneath his skin making him scream.

"ANDY!" Alex's voice gave Andy the slightest bit of hope before that hope changed to intense pain. The Eyeless reached its hand forward and ripped open Andy stomach. A conversation could be heard on the outside as the creature scratched at Andy's face. The boy was losing blood rapidly due to the massive slash down his chest. Pounding and thudding could be heard as Alex desperately tried to open the door. The Eyeless giggled before slamming Andy's face into a wall and disintegrating as he fell hopelessly to the floor. The door opened. The scene faded into smoke.

Next was Alex, his bravery in scarifying his own life for his friends just made Vic and Amy cry more. Then was Rel, how she was savagely torn apart by sinister patterns of darkness. Finally Jenna, so close to escape, so close to surviving and beating the game this deadly demon wanted so desperately to play.

Vic and Amy had had enough of seeing their friends viciously murdered around them. They were going to win this game, not The Eyeless.

"Start, now!" Amy ordered and George got to work reading out the incantation in sheer panic.

"That's not fair!" A child's voice yelled stubbornly.

"That's. Not." The voice became, deeper and darker. "Fair." The voice barely resembled a child now but something inhuman, something nightmarish, something demonic. The priest continued in a terrified voice while Amy and Vic desperately searched the abandoned house for any sign of movement.

Suddenly an unseen force pinned Vic and Amy to the wall and a small girl skipped out of the darkness. It tried to act unmoved by the incantation but pain clearly riddled its grotesque face. It smiled at Vic darkly and raised a finger just before his neck

"No, no please NO DON'T!" Amy shrieked from across the room. The girl's head turned the full way around her head to look at Amy.

"I c-can't t-touch-h yo-ou. Bu-ut I c-c-can touch you-r f-f-frien-d." It stuttered, clearly in pain but unable to go near George, even with its power that caused Vic and Amy to be defenseless now.

The Eyeless's finger nail grew long and as sharp as a knife. It positioned it right in front of Vic's neck.

"If-f I g-go, I'm-m tak-king y-ou with me-e." It hissed before harshly jabbing Vic's neck with her blade-like nail. As soon as she did however, the nail fell off leaving a bloody stump where it used to be. Her finger boiled and she shrieked in pain as a luminous aqua light seeped through the material of Vic's shirt.

"Go to hell!" Vic hissed as George finished his last word with a sense of purpose.

The Eyeless screeched insanely loudly as she grew and grew, her jaw hung off her face, her skin stretched over her long bones and her hair fell out. She, or rather it, continued to scream. Black smoke flowed out of its mouth and swirled around the room. The booming scream echoed around the room as piece by piece, the monsters skin flaked off into charred black smoke. Finally, the black smoke consumed it and the dark gas swerved downwards into the ground as it turned from smoke to fire. The screaming stopped and Vic and my fell to the floor, as did George just out of shock and fear.

It was over. It was really over. But, what do they do now? How could they go on without their friends? It wouldn't be easier, but they had to.

It was a couple years later and no one had really recovered, especially not the parents. The investigation stated it was a serial killer, the same one that got Jack Barakat, Tom Gaskarth and his friends a couple of years ago which only devastated Mr and Mrs Gaskarth further. But still, they carried on, they fought through the hard moments and relished in the times of happiness found. Vic and Amy every year put a flower at each grave of their friend's. They still see them; they see them in the beauty of nature. They hear their voices in the comforting breeze. They feel their smiles in the warmth of the sun's rays. But most importantly, they see them in every memory they'd shared together, every moment of happiness and love captured in a moment of time that will live on forever.


Well, that's the end. Sorry if it wasn't as intense as previously hoped for, I did my best. I would like to take a moment just to seriously thank anyone who bothered reading this and staying with me. Honestly, it's so cool that just one person would be interested in something I wrote. I really hope you enjoyed this and it wasn't a waste of time to read it. I would love to hear any feedback or constructive criticism so I can improve in future.

In other news I will be deleting the private version of this story after a week or so because I have a public one up and I just feel like the private one doesn't need to be here. Still, whatever version you are reading, thank you, I know I sound like a broken record but I can't help it.

Also I will be posting a SuperWhoLock story it just may take a while because I want to write as much in advance as I can so I don't have to make you guys wait forever without updating. I have already uploaded a one-shots book so if you have any ideas for songs or ships please let me know, I'm working on more for them but any requests would be appreciated even if I don't know the song or ship. AS for the prequel, I really don't know if I will do that or not so, meh.

Once again thank you so much for reading.



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