When you have a nightmare

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turns out the other scenario was a nightmare -fake girly gasp-

Okay enough of that
This is 2/2
Hope you enjoy!

You started screaming in your sleep. Alfred's cowlick twitched. "(n-name)?!" He ran as fast as he could to your room.

He slammed the door open,to see you rolling in your bed,tears in your eyes. Alfred started shaking your figure "(n-name)!!!WAKE UP ITS JUST A DREAM!!!!". Your eyes shot open. Realization hit you like a truck. You started punching his chest "YOU LEFT ME THERE ALONE TO DIE YOU BLOODY ASSHAT!!!!!!". Alfred wasn't affected by this and hugged you "(name) it's just a dream!". Realization hits you like a truck " B-but....promise me you'll never leave me!"

He smiled and hugged your trembling form "I promise...."

And then the moment was ruined when you both smelled an alcoholic scent next to you
"Oy there chap *hiccup*"
"Damn you Arthur and your drunk ass"

"TÈSTVER NO!!!!!!!!!"

Lizzy immediately ran to your room with a frying pan. Bursting the door open,she saw your shaking sobbing form. She quickly hugged you "shhh....its okay (name) I'm here for you...". Your eyes went open and saw the Hungarian hugging you. Crying, you hugged her back.

Unknown to you,a certain albino was watching from a tree


"GET HIM!!!!" you shouted as you took your frying pan. Along with your sister,you both chased after him,making Roderich smile "Finally..."

"OI IGGY!" You screamed as you went down the stairs to smell burning food. "YOU LEFT ME ALONE AND BEAT ME UP YOU WANKER!" You said in a British accent as you punched him

He only chuckled "It was a dream...." You looked up at him

"Was it....?"

"Or did you used your magical powers hmm????"

"Well I've been caught...."

"I will call France and tell him about the things you've been doing in your bedroom!"

"YOU BLOODY-(NAME)!!!!!" He screamed as he tried to catch you.
(Sorry this one is short...)

It pretty much ended like this....you woke up and saw Belgium at the end of your bed. Your immediately kicked her but being Belgium,she only makes your feet worse.

Now,why did that happen? Because according to Spain you were screaming in your sleep walking and you fell down the stairs.

Why does Spain know?You can use your imagination on how he managed to be on the right time
-Iggy eyebrow wiggle-

Here's your scenario
Imma go take a shower
Buh bye!
-goes into the shower-
-posts this chapter-
-plays Brave frontier for an hour-
-goes out at 7.00pm-

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