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"When are you going to the party?" I ask as I enter my hotel room and Sam continues to stay at my open door.

"In a couple hours, why?" Sam questions crossing his arms. He looked like a completely different person with the face paint on, well maybe because he looked like a skeleton that even I had to say is scary as hell.

"I'm gonna go get my costume" I say grabbing my hand bag and walking out of my room closing it on Sam as I walk towards the elevator.

For some reason I was actually excited for his party, even if I did know nobody I was still excited to get my face painted.

I had talked to one of my co workers today on what I would have loved to have painted my face as if I was going anywhere for Halloween and thank fully she is still at work working a late shift.


I stand outside Sam's door as I knock on it standing backwards looking down the hallway at all the newspapers spread out along the floors.

"It's about time" Sam says as he opens the door. His face paint was surprisingly staying on quiet well.

Which probably will be different once he gets at the party.

"Well I'm sorry this look a long time" I say motioning towards my face.

I had changed into a black singlet and denim high waisted shorts not really wanting to actually get 'dressed up' for the day.

Even if it was Halloween I still wanted to wear comfy cloths.

"Damn you nearly look better than me" he says closing his hotel room door behind him as we start walking down the hallway to the elevators.

"I better not, I'm the one that did your make up" I point at as we enter the elevator and press for the ground floor.

A old man was stuck in the corner of the elevator as he looked blankly at the door kind of creeping my out as he never blinked. Not even once.

"Right sorry" Sam says clearing his throat.

"So where is this party at?" I question Sam as we exit the elevator walking towards the door of the hotel.

I still hadn't properly gotten use to the hotel since it was so glamorous and so far out of my budget.

"Not far from here, my friend owns an estate in the city" Sam says making me nod as we walk on the sidewalk as I follow next to Sam.

"I've never really asked this before by why are you staying in a hotel?" I question Sam as I look over at him.

We were both getting some weird looks from by passers but then there was the parents walking past like us with over the top costumes on as their kids ran down the street.

"My parents kicked me out of the house" Sam says shrugging as his lips fall into a flat line.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I say. No one deserved to be kicked out by their parents, their meant to care and love you, but with that said I have no idea what Sam did to lead to this.

"Don't be, I've never been happier" he says a massive smile coming onto his face as we take a turn.

I look ahead of us and find that their was a massive house in front of us, well not in front of us since they had a massive driveway that was hidden behind automatic gates that were now open at the moment.

I could already hear the music coming from the house and see people around the garden everywhere and lights flashing everywhere.

"Let the party begin" Sam yells pumping his fist into the air as he quickly walks down the driveway as I try catch up to him.

Which was a little hard since I had decided to stupidly wear heels to this thing.

We eventually got to the front door of the house as we both entered, I don't know how but I immediately lost Sam within the crowd.

I shrugged sighing as I started walking around trying to find a kitchen of some sort wanting a drink after that hike I just took to get to this persons house.

I passes a massive living room that had plenty of people jumping up and dancing around as the music blared from the speakers.

I eventually found the kitchen grabbing a cup of some what alcohol and start walking around the house again as I take sips from my drink.

"Woah your face paint is so cool" someone says as they stand right in front of me. I looked up to see that it was a girl that had bright pink hair and was wearing plenty of make up.

"Thank, so who are you dressed up as?" I question with a smile as I look down at her outfit which was hardly anything.

"Brittany spears duh" she yells making me laugh "come on, I'll introduce you to some people you seem lost"

She says grabbing my hand and dragging me through the crowd.

I had only gotten here but I already knew that it was going to be a long night.


ty so much for 1k reads never thought this book would get so quickly, I love you all

so what do you guys think of this chapter ?

The picture above is what I imagine Analise's face paint to look like

not edited

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