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"Want lip colour do you want?" I question the girl I was doing the make up for as I finished off doing her eye shadow.

"I wanted a lip pink" she says opening her eyes as I give her a nod as go through all of my lip colours that were in a compartment.

I was currently doing home make up, it was a new thing since I was used to doing people's make up at one of the make up stalls were all the make up was set out for you.

I grabbed out a colour that I think would really suit her just as my phone decided to ring loudly next to me almost making me jump and screw up all of the girls make up.

"You don't mind do you" I ask motioning towards my phone seeing that it was work.

"No, not at all" she says shaking her head as I answer the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hello" I say putting my phone back on the table continuing the girls make up.

"Hello sorry to call you while your out but there's this guy that says his name is Romeo here to see you" one of my co-workers says making me furrow my eyebrows.

I don't know anyone that goes my that name, and I especially don't know anyone in this city since I'm only here for a couple of weeks.

"Are you sure?" I question knowing that sometimes they can get names wrong and maybe they just got a letter wrong or something.

"Yes, he keeps saying his looking for Juliet but he keeps asking for you after, so you don't know anyone by that name?" She questions, this was just getting weirder.

Either it was just a person joking around because hey Romeo and Juliet. Great prank.

"No, I don't know anyone with that name or anything close to it" I say as I finish off the girls lips and grab the foundation out again wanting to go over everything.

"Sir she doesn't know anyone by that name so can you please go now" Violet the girl who called me says obviously to the guy.

"May I please have the phone for a second?" The guy says and I furrow my eyebrows at how familiar the voice sounds but then I shrug it off knowing that everyone sounds different over the phone "she knows who I am"

"Sorry sir I can't do that" Violet says as I laugh silently as I hear the conversation go on.

"Why not? What do you think I'm going to do harass her over the phone" the guy says back as I laugh.

"I can't give you it because it's for workers only" she sighs obviously getting agitated with the guy.

"Fine" I hear the guy groan "my names not really Romeo tell her Sam is here to see her"

Now it all made so much more sense.

"Okay do you know anyone by the name of Sam?" She question obviously putting the phone closet to her ear as her voice was now louder.

"Yes I do" I say with a laugh "tell him he can go I won't be back for a while I still have one more house to go to"

"Sir she won't be back for a while so she advised that you wait" Violet says to Sam again.

"Oh I'll just wait"


I sighed opening the door to my work carrying the massive make up kit that weighed a tone as I quickly rushed to put it back.

"Hey violet" I say as I come up to her desk.

"That Romeo guys still here to see you" she says with a eye roll as I laugh as I continue walking further into the building.

"It's about time" I hear someone yell as I look to the side and see Sam quickly jumping up from a chair that he was sitting on.

"I did say that I would be a while, you seriously didn't have to wait" I say as I keep walking with Sam following behind me as I open the door to our massive make up room with Sam still following me.

"Well I did" he says as I put the case onto it's shelve going to the clip board that we have to write on to keep track on when make up items were taken and put back.

"What did you want to see me for anyway?" I question looking at the time as I write it down on the clipboard.

"I was going to take you out for lunch, but now it's more like a dinner" he says making me laugh.

"Well if that's so I'm going to have to go back to my hotel room and get changed, Romeo"


kinda a filler but I thought it was cute

so sorry for not updating in ages but I just got very busy

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