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Blitzen's POV

I and Hearthstone were sitting on the curb in Redwood Virginia. They were looking for Copo's greatest enemy, the giantess, Helepa. She was supposed to have the most powerful glamour in the world, but Blitz wasn't worried. Hearth was a different story. His eyes were darting back and forth incredibly fast, and he was clutching his bag of Rune Stones pretty tightly.

I guess I should have been worried too, after all, Hearthstone had been in Copo's service for six months and I've only been working for him for a few days, but from my experience, Hearth had a habit of overreacting. Hearthstone and I had only known each other since yesterday morning, and in that time I had learned some basic ASL (Alf Sign Language) and made the newest breakthrough for dwarves in the sun: pith helmets, which was the only reason the Blitz was able to be sitting under an umbrella in the early morning. I taped my partner on the shoulder, "Hey, you sure she's coming?"

Hearth grabbed a pad of paper out of his black clothes (why he wears so much black I don't know. I gotta get this guy a change) and a pen and started writing Tracking spell works, she'll be here in that long, elegant script of elves. Yeah, my new partner is deaf...yay.

Then I saw her, not very tall, but still taller than me, a lot taller than me. But just as my eyes focused on her, she was gone. I looked to Hearth, I could see from his expression that he had seen the giant, he could no longer see the giant, and he was looking for something. He turned in a half circle away from me. I called out but I knew it was hopeless, he couldn't hear me. When he finished his circle and faced me, his face was one of fear.

"Dude, what's wrong?" I reached my hand out to him, but he jerked back, almost falling over. "Dude! chill out!" But as I said it Hearth pulled a Rune Stone mumered over it then threw it at my face."Oww!" I tried again to come over to him but I couldn't move. I could only run, and reach for him. Then Hearth disappeared. I looked around, but still couldn't move.

Then, just as I was able to make any progress, I saw Hearthstone again, but now he had a bow and arrow in his hands. His hands were shaking and he looked like he was about to fall over, that spell must have taken a lot out of him. When he was about three yards away, he started shooting, and all of them missed. I was just becoming relieved when I was talked by the elf. He didn't weigh very much, but his size and momentum knocked me down. I hit my head and blacked out


When I opened my eyes, Hearthstone was standing over me with a concerned look on his face. He made a few motions with his hands that I took to mean Are you okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Oh, quick question: why did you try to go all ninja elf on me?"

Hearth looked ashamed, then pulled out the pad of paper from before, now crumpled up, and the pen and wrote out the words Helepa's galmur got me. I thought you were a warthog.

At first I was mad, but Hearth looked pretty sorry about it, and it wasn't his fault. "Okay, but you need to put down that bow of your before you hurt somebody. Hearthstone responded to that by making a series of hand gestures that I could not interoperate. " And how did I look as a warthog?"

Hearthstone wrote another message that said The warthog was wearing your ascot, I thought it had eaten you.

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