It's raining Elves

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Blitzen spent the next twenty minutes on his computer, finding all the information he could on elves, the elfish world, and elves falling from the sky. Surprisingly, there wasn't much on that last subject. All he had really found out is not to visit Alfheilum without some serious sun gear. 

He looked back at the tallest house guest he had ever had in my apartment. His lips were an unhealthy shade of green, veins were becoming even more visible against pale skin, and he had not reopened his eyes since the encounter in the alley. Blitzen wasn't sure what to do. If this elf could help him with his life goal, he had to help him. But what if he was wrong and this isn't what he was supposed to find. Then he would have wasted a lot of time helping him. Blitzen was torn. He looked into the face of the almost dead man on his couch, he would die if Blitzen didn't help. He couldn't let that happen. He needed an expert on this, he would contact Mimir.

----------------------------------Blitzen is color coordinating the breaklines-----------------------------

He pulled Mimir's head out of my closet and put it in the sink with the water on. It took a minute but he did wake up, and he was not happy."Blitzen! You insufferable dwarf! What do you want?"

Blitzen counted to five...twice, then resonded,"I've got a dying elf in my house and I don't know what to do. I was thinking a little more of your smart water would-"

"Do you want to serve me for four more years?"

"No," Blitzen answered, maybe a little too fast to be respectful,"I just really don't want a dead elf in my house."

"Is it really pale?"


"Well, I've got good news and bad," He held my breath. He did not trust Sir Puddle Face's deffinision of good and bad," The bad news is it's dying," He felt his face fall into one of worry, or maybe it was horror, but Mimir continued like he was oblivious," the good news is, you can save him."

Blitzen was pretty sure he wouldn't need to say a word for Mimir to know he was confused."Umm..."

"You will need to pull out ever skill your father taught you. You have to build a tanning bed." The tanning bed in Svartelfium was the equivelent to a torture chamber.

"Do you wanna repeat that?"

Mimir looked exasperated,"Elves are creature of sunlight and warmth, things the underground are not know for. You have to find a way to get him artificial light. A tanning bed would be perfect. You can do it Blitzen," and with that, Mimir closed his eyes, and Blitzen had a feeling they wouldn't open soon. Okay, he thought, tanning bed.

-------------------------------------------Hearth passes out a lot-----------------------------------------

It took five hours but he had did it. It didn't look like much, but the elf was inside and didn't look nearly as bad as he had earlier. But Blitzen didn't know if that was wishful thinking, or a real fact. He hoped it was the latter.

He knew he should have been thinking about the guest and rechecking the cables to the bulbs but he was so tired. He had been working for a long time, and before that he had been carrying this guy, and before that he had been morning over his dad. His eyelids were so heavy...and he sank into oblivion. 

Part 3 will be out soon...ish

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