The Sun

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Hearth POV

I was so excited. Today was my first day in Midguard, and my heart was thumping so fast I could feel the vibrations in my ears.

I showed up on a sidewalk next to what appeared to be a major road. If I looked behind me, he saw nine...ducks? Maybe Midguard was weirder than I thought. Maybe this was a tribute to a duck god? As I thought about any possible explanation for the ducks, some pedestrian decided I should eat sidewalk.

I rose to my feet groggily, after my realization that Midguard sidewalks taste as bad as the ones in Alfheim would if had licked them, and looked at the guy who plowed me down. It was my new partner: Blitzen.

Blitzen was a dwarf son of Freya, and was constantly bugging me about my clothes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his lips moving. I turned my attention to my fashion crazy backup, "-sorry, sorry, are you okay?" I nodded and he helped me to my feet. I signed to him, Where are we?

Today was Blitzen's first day and my first day in Midguard,"I think we are in Midguard, hard to say. Speaking of hard, can we get out of the sun?" I looked at his, he was already turning slightly gray even though before we left he put on a giant coat, a pith helmet, and a giant tube of spray sunscreen.

Okay, let's get to the shade. I signed as I ran for an alley. Blitzen ran after me, slowed down by his anti-sun gear. I wasn't really sure why Copo had sent us both here, it seemed like I would be the only one who could function. How would Blitzen last in the sun? "Okay, we wake Copo tomorrow. Today we sleep," Blitzen communicated through my lip reading.

Where? I signed. Blitzen pointed to a park. Blitzen, the sun sensitive dwarf wanted to go to the area used for sunbathing...what? Too late to drive in some sense, Blitzen had run toward the park, darting from shadow to shadow, looking like an idiot. I ran after him, most likely looking just as much like an idiot.

Blitzen ran across the street and I ran after him, but apparently a little too late because I almost got ran over by a yellow tiny car with the letters T-A-X-I on top. Midguard, this place was weird.

I got across the street and found Blitzen under the nearest bridge. This park looked like the whole of Alfhium, except no tree was quite as bright, no blade of grass quite as green, this world was like my world, but made of plastic. Blitzen was slightly petrified, so we both stayed under the bridge. My eyeslids were heavy, so it was no surprise that he soon fell asleep.

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I woke up to a bearded face smiling above me, luckily it was Blitzen, not a hobo. "Hey, looks like I won't be petrified for much longer. Look!" he pointed to the horizon, just above the tall metal building of this large city, and there it was, the sun, really, really, really low in the sky. I felt my heart pounding like the vibrations of a hammer. I signed to Blitzen Why is the sun falling?

"It isn't. I read about this, Midguard has day and night cycles, so it's like constantly switching between the Elf world and the Dwarf world." He might have kept talking but I looked up and-it was gone. This isn't natural! It isn't possible! But there it was-the sun was gone! I tried to scream but it didn't change anything. The sun wouldn't come back, it was gone. I flew backwards further under the bridge, till I could no longer see the place where the sun had left. I sank to my knees against the support of the bridge pushing my hands into my eyes, trying to block out the lights of this strange, sick world. I just wanted to leave, to cry, to scream, to do anything to just make everything go away. I felt the drops coming down my face, but I also became aware of a shaking in my sholders, and it wasn't coming from me. I opened my eyes, just enough to see Blitzen. His lips were moving and I zoned in on them," Hearth, Heart, talk to me dude! Are you okay?" It took all my strength to keep my hands from shaking as I signed no.

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It took me months to be able to look up at night without having a panic attack, but I eventually got through it.

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