It's Raining Elves (part 3)

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Hearthstone's POV

The first thing Hearthstone noticed was that his head felt like a drum. True, he had never heard a drum, but the vibrations he felt in his head were uncomfortably similar to the ones he felt from drums. All that was to say: OW!

Hearth still didn't want to open his eyes so he thought back to the last thing he remembered. He had been to a meeting with Copo and had been given a few things to try with his runestones. They had all worked well, except for one. The last spell Copo had given him was a spell that was supposed to make time stop with the help of the RAIDHO rune, the rune of journey. Instead of making the stream stop flowing, he had blacked out.

When he had come to, he was lying in the sidewalk, but something was wrong. He couldn't see. IT had been so dark it had taken ages for his eyes to ajust to the dim light around him. When they finally had, he was terrified, he had tried to get up, but he was still groogy from all the practice earlier and however he had gotten here, where ever was. He had run over to the nearest alley, only looking back once to see that he had been laying in a big crater. He had run into the alley, but even that had winded him, he tried to catch his breath. He closed his eyes, and slid down the brick wall behind him.

The next moment he felt something tap his shoulder, his eyes had snapped open, but his vision had been blurry, all he had seen was a dark figure and then it had all gone dark.

With the realization that he had passed out earlier, his eyes shot open. He was lying on his back, staring up at a very white curved roof, that was way too close to his face. He turned his head from side to side and saw that he was in some sort of cylinder all completely white and very bright, so bright it hurt his sensitive eyes. 

Then the panic started. It started as a small twirling of nausea in the pit of his stomach, then it grew. It started spreading to his legs, his arms, his head till he could feel the rhythmic pulse in his ears, making his headache ten times worse. 

He lifted his hands as high as they could go in side his small white prison and started putting as much force as he could against the top of it. It didn't move. He tried again, and again, but there was no change. 

Now Hearthstone was mad. This was all Copo's fault! If Copo hadn't given him those spells then he would be at home reading. With every thought like this he lays another blow to to the roof. 

All at once, the lights that hurt his eyes went off and Hearthstone immediately felt weaker, like already life was being sucked out of him again. He swallowed his fears and begged silently that he wouldn't pass out. The top of his tiny cage popped off. What the Alfheilum!  Then there was a strange face obstructing his view of the stuff outside of his prison. The face was dark skinned, with a long, black, curly beard hanging down neatly trimmed. He had a crooked nose and nervous dark brown didn't take a lot of thought to know it was a dwarf. Hearthstone had not met many dwarves before, but he had always studies other worlds. If the bearded guy is a dwarf, than he was most likely in Nifleheim, home of dwarves and the death of elves. Just his luck. 

All these thoughts passed in a split second, that was also how ling it took Hearth to figure out the dwarf's lips were moving under his beard. It took a lot of concentration, but he managed to get the words: outlet, micro processor, and Freddy the librarian. Hearth wasn't really caring about what Freddy the Librarian had to do with the outlet of a micro processor. He sat up, fast but slow enough to give the creepy guy enough time to move his head. He was sitting in the middle of what looked to be a giant white tube. Outside that, he was in a living room, with an L shaped couch and some magazines on the floor. 

His eyes made their way back to the face of the dwarf, who was watching him with curiosity and confusion. Hearth figured it was time for some answers. He got up, placing his legs carefully so that the rush of blood wouldn't knock him out. He stood next to the dwarf and found he was about a foot and a half taller than him. He had to get a point across to someone who probably didn't know sign language. He made eye contact with the guy, then made his hands look like they were writing on each other. 

The dwarf gave him a blank stare, so Hearthstone ignored him. He started looking around. There was a pen laying on the couch next to him. He grabbed it and one of the dispersed magazines and wrote on the back of what looked to be Cave and Garden Where am I? Who are you? 

The dwarf looked at me then his lips moved slower than before making the words, "My name is Blitzen, son of Bili. You are in Svartelfium," the words picked up speed ever so slightly," Are you an elf by any chance?" 

Hearthstone nodded then took a minute to digest that. He was in fact in Nifleheim as he had thought. 

Someone tapped his shoulder, it was the dwarf, Blitzen, standing there and starting to talk, " How did you get here?"

Hearthstone again began writing o the back of the magazine My master, Copo, gave me," Hearthstone decided not to write down all the cuss words he wanted to write about Copo and his lousy water," An opportunity to travel but didn't specify where."


Blitzen's POV

Copo was behind this! I knew it!  He knew something weird had been going on and now he had found it. His new boss had sent him another one of his employees to help him get started, and that employee just happened to be a deaf elf. This was gonna be a long day. 

He told the stranger to stay where he was, the elf didn't look happy but didn't look strong enough to disobey. I ran to the bathroom where Copo was still floating in the sink, but his eyes were open again. 

"Ah, good, he finally woke up correct?"

"Yes, he is awake. Who is he?"

Copo looked amused,"He is your new partner. An elf who I believe you have much in common with."

"Much in commin with?! He is an elf. He lives off sunlight, I die from it. How can anything come from this. You will see, son of Bili, you will see."

I could already see Copo was about to go back to sleep, but I had one last question first, "What is his name?"

Copo looked him in the eye and smiled like he liked what he saw," Hearthstone. His name is Hearthstone." 

And with that, Copo closed his eyes, and I went to go meet my new partner, and possibly friend: Hearthstone.

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