Don't go in there!

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July 22. Once again, Percy locked himself in his cabin. Every year he would do this, for a reason no one knew. He wouldn't let anyone see him, not even Annabeth. Everyone knew this, besides a certain Leo and Jason. They were all warned by Annabeth not to disturb him, but those two didn't listen. Leo was just being...Leo, and Jason wanted to check on his friend. So they quietly walked to the posedion cabin with the girls cries of "wait" ringing in their ears.

As they walked, Leo hummed a song that Jason didn't know.

"Can you stop?" he asked Leo.

"Nope!" He said, before continuing his huming.

Jason sighed and rushed ahead.

"Hey! Wait up!" Leo called after him.

when they reached the Posedion cabin, the door was locked.

"Do you think he died?" Leo asked. Jason looked at his little friend and sighed.

"Check the windows." He said before going to the side of the cabin and looking inside. He could see Percy hunched over a desk with his head in his hands. Jason watched as Percy wiped his eyes and got up. Where his head had laid, Jason could see a little photo.

It was a picture of Percy, about five years old with a toothy grin. The troubling part? He was wrapped in the arms of an older girl that looked exactly like him, maybe about eight or nine. And the photo frame read: Lil' Bro and Big Sis

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