The Rendezvous

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Mace Windu's crimson cruiser soared into the atmosphere of Rhen Var, surprisingly unhindered by the Separatist fleet behind him. He, along with Jedi Master Kit Fisto, the injured Jedi Knight Jiinan Draav and his second-in-command Fin, all had their eyes on the obvious battleground that hosted the droids and the clones. Streams of light from blaster bolts pierced the fog, whilst the sound they made pierced the ears.

In their viewing of the battle, however, they were unaware of an anti-aircraft missile aiming straight for the engines. A loud bang rocked the ship and its inhabitants were sent into the walls.

"We're hit!" Fin shouted into his comlink as the line dropped. He hoped that Master Plo Koon had received the message he had just given him, but it would be glaringly obvious to evade the fire-consumed cruiser anyway.

The ship began to shed its metal hull as a raging fire consumed the cruiser. Seeing that they could wait no longer, Mace Windu, acting instinctively, pulled out his lightsaber and pushed it into the thick glass of the viewport. He cut a rough circle into the cockpit viewport before pulling it back out and kicking the glass. There was now a circular hole in the glass, which the four passengers would now have to jump through.

Mace Windu pulled Jiinan, who was now unconscious from the severing of his left hand, over his shoulder. He stepped up to the circular gap in the sheet of glass and jumped, using the force to steady himself. Followed closely by Kit Fisto and Fin, the group were now hurtling toward the planet surface.

Fin always reminded his Jedi General how useless the clone training was and how the clones would never have to jump off a ship. How wrong he was, Fin thought to himself.


After a rough landing, in which Mace Windu grazed his side badly, they finally landed. Instead of greeting the Jedi duo, Mace Windu ignited his lightsaber and held it next to Plo Koon's throat. The Kel Dorian was completely unfazed by this and kept his calm.

"Master Windu, what are you doing?" he asked.

"What is the name of the Geonosian Separatist leader?" he asked angrily, completely ignoring Plo Koon's question.

"Poggle the Lesser," he replied.

"Sorry, Master Koon. I just saw..." Mace Windu began, but was interrupted by the loud screams of somebody. This somebody was Tup, pursued by a Droid Tri-Fighter.

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