The Mysterious Clone

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Clone Trooper Tup raced towards the group screaming, actively pursued by a merciless droid.

"There's a massive droid on my tail!" Tup shouted, continuing his sprint for the group.

The four active Jedi ignited their lightsabers and used the force to jump up onto the mechanical creature. They plunged their sabers into various parts: one slashing off a leg, two destroying the eyesight and one into the main programmer.

"Thanks!" Tup said enthusiastically as he took his helmet off. "Hello Master Jedi, my name is CT-5385, also known as Tup!" the clone said vigorously. "Ready for duty!" he continued as the Jedi looked at each other in dismay about how the hell he was able to attract the attention of a Droid Tri-Fighter.

"Good afternoon, CT-5385. I am Master Mace Windu, and these are Master Kit Fisto, Master Plo Koon and Master Ki-Adi Mundi," Windu stated. "We also have another Jedi with us, his name is..."

"Jiinan Draav," Tup interrupted. "I have heard many stories about his talents."

"Are for duty?" Mace Windu asked, earning a shrug from Tup.

"I actually don't know. Statistically I will be..." he started.

"Logically you won't be. Please head to the medbay for assessment," Windu interrupted.

"Sure thing sir!" he replied vigorously.


"How are you feeling, Jiinan?" Kit Fisto asked as the recently knighted Jedi sat up and rubbed his head.

"Dizzy," he replied. "And my head is pounding," he added.

"You better get some rest. Our troops are outnumbered so we need to give air support soon with what troops we have at our base," Kit Fisto said. A several second silence was interrupted by the entry of Tup into the room.

"Hey Jiinan. I thought I'd stop by and see how you were," he replied with a vague smile appearing on his battle hardened face.

"Wait. Where am I? Who are you?" Jiinan questioned as he reached for a nearby blaster. He grabbed a small handgun and shot a bolt in the direction of Tup, who ducked, but Kit Fisto swung his hand around and blocked it. He then grabbed the blaster from Jiinan's hand and ripped it free. Kit then used the force to send him to sleep.

Jiinan Draav went back to sleep, and a nurse rushed in at Tup's call, who confirmed it was a coma.


Kit Fisto arrived at the medical bay for the second time today, overseeing Draav's healing. He reached out with the force and connected with Jiinan's mind, realising a force vision was currently occuring. Kit Fisto connected and witnessed...

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