The Raid

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Mace Windu punched a few buttons on his comlink. Suddenly, Master Yoda appeared in front of the four Jedi, and five clone commanders.

"Master Windu," Yoda said, "news, have you?" he continued.

"Yes, Master. We have successfully destroyed the droid armies on Rhen Var," he replied.

"Hrrmmmm. A disturbance in the force, I sensed. About an hour ago, it was," Master Yoda said. Mace Windu rubbed his chin and looked at the other three Jedi. The clone troopers were left wondering what had happened. Fil, Ponds, Bacara and Wolffe looked at each other in confusion whilst the Jedi continued their discussion.

"What was it?" Master Windu queried.

"Know, I do not. Familiar, it felt. Like we knew each other, it was," he said in his usual confusing tone.

"We are scheduled to head back to Coruscant tomorrow anyway so we will just have to wait and see if anything happens," Plo Koon said.

"Clone troopers, how much have you?" Master Yoda asked, changing the topic.

"We have sixty eight clone troopers, with four active Jedi and an admiral," he replied.

"Enough, that should be," he replied. At that instant, a snap-hiss could be heard downstairs; the noise of a lightsaber ignition.

"We can hear a lightsaber being activated downstairs," said Plo Koon to Master Yoda as his face deepened with sadness.

"Report to me when possible, you will," Yoda said and with that, the Kel Dor native switched off his comlink. The four Jedi and five clone captains rushed down the stairs to look upon the carnage. Fourteen clone troopers had been massacred under the perilous hands of an assassin who was looking for someone in particular. Plo Koon switched on the comlink again.

"Master Yoda, fourteen cone troopers have been slaughtered," he said.

"Great sorrow," he said. "Protect the staff and the facility at all costs from now on," he replied.

"Yes Master," and the call was ended again

<<1am in the morning>>

The hooded figure landed perfectly from the ventilation shaft with a stealthiness that could match Master Yoda's. He crept up to Mace Windu's bed. He lay his medium sized eyes on him, hungry for the death of the Jedi Master. He gripped his silver-hilted lightsaber and flicked the switch to activate it. The same snap-hiss sound was created from earlier at the massacre. He attempted to slash Mace Windu's throat but was met by a leaf green blade. The dark acolyte looked upon the defender and was shocked to see him. He was met with a deathly gaze, one that was thirsty for revenge.

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