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When I was younger, I would crave the White doll opposed to the black doll I thought was ugly because I would watch shows where the main character was white, I would read picture books where everyone was white.
I remember one time my aunty bought me And my sister an Asian and African barbie doll and it remained at the bottom of the toy box bellow the White barbie dolls, we would play with it only sometimes.
When I was younger I would constantly watch the music channels becAuse I grew up in a household where everyone would listen to r&in or afrobeats, but as I got older I would tell people I hated it just because I was afraid of being called ghetto.
I would always reblog pictures of white people on tumblr. I would always crave for silk hair.
But then I stumbled across the blackout day movement.
And that's how I became proud of my blackness.

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