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-they always turn out problematic ( and then what annoys me more is the fact that fans still make excuses for their behaviour mate I don't remember You giving birth to them(.

-I have just started to realise how important my schoolwork is and how privileged I am to have an education and when I did Stan I only paid attention to fandom drama opposed to revision. (Some people are able to balance both but I'm not very good(

-when I did Stan I had an idea of how my 'idol' was like I always imagined them as innocent but to be frank I know nothing about them at all.

-two faced fans (fans who talk about privacy but make pages that 'expose' their girlfriends(

- facts - I feel like sometimes it's just about how many fActs You know about them and not their actual music.

I am not dissing anyone who stans at all I just prefer not to Stan it is my own personal preference if you do get offended by this I understand where You're coming from.

I still like celebrities but I'm just not obsessed with them.

I wrote my Luke fanfic because I realised how little poc are presented in fanfiction and my aim was to write a fanfiction with a different storyline from Your tYpical. I will not stop writing it because I still want to provide representation.

(My keypad is the worst(

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