Stacey dash and the oscars

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Incase you are not aware yet Stacey dash (who you may know as Dionne in clueless; used to be class now trash( when asked about the lack of diversity in the oscars basically stated that if we don't want segregation we should get rid of BET and black history month etc.

First of all:
She's trash and her box braids weren't even cut properly in clueless.

Second of all:
Why should we change our attitudes, our beliefs or our festivity  we are going to fight for change not silencing ourselves just so some people don't feel uncomfortable. There is a large difference between segregation and celebration.

Martin Luther King stated "a riot is the language of the unheard"

Dash also stated that it is a double standard because it is exactly the same as the BET awards where you are only awarded if you're black.

The oscars are said to be an award show that does not discriminate against race yet they fail to include minorities, we should consider the fact that the Oscar nominees are chosen by the academy which are a group  of predominately white males of older age. no minorities were nominated in 1995 or 1997 also throughout the 20th century, 95% of Oscar nominations went to white film stars.
The BET awards were originally created as a platform for black people to be celebrated as we are largely unappreciated and un represented or in the media or in other cases our stories are extremely whitewashed.
I have also realised that the roles that black actors/actresses etc played that did in fact win oscars were roles that perpetuate the stereotypes that are placed upon us by mainstream media

Roles such as:
-the maid
-the criminal

In conclusion Stacey dash is complete utter trash and the oscars deserve all of the backlash.

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