24. I Never Realized An Inanimate Object Could Be So Pretty.

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Twenty Four


"Fix your hair, you look like you just rolled out of bed," Anna complained.

Kyle was practicing with the band, and as usual, Spencer brought Anna along. Now that Kyle had a serious girlfriend, he wanted to invite her to come watch as well.

"I think he looks more homeless than anything," Carson added.

"Good point," Anna mumbled, reaching into her bag. She pulled out some hair gel and stood on her toes, mixing it into his hair. Anna opened her phone's front camera and handed it to Kyle.

He frowned. "Isn't this what I normally do with my hair?"

"Close. Now it'll stay in place."

Kyle nodded. "Sounds good. Anything else to improve me?"

"How about your face?" Seth joked. Jayden hit a badum-tiss on his drums. Kyle settled for sticking them the finger.

Anna laughed and shook her head. "I did bring air freshener, because Seth's couch smells awful and it's the only decent place to sit."

"How about my lap?" Jayden called from across the garage. Kyle figured Jayden would know by now not to say things like that.

Spencer turned to him, fire live in his eyes. "Do you want to live?"

Jayden's face paled and only Kyle, Seth, and Carson laughed. "Not so sure anymore," he mumbled, staring down at his drum set.

"Glad we had this talk," Spencer said, his voice holding the hint of a growl.

Anna had begun spraying the couch, so Kyle picked up the guitar he was borrowing from Seth and started tuning it.

"When's she gonna be here, dude?" Carson complained.

"In a few minutes," Kyle muttered, loosening the A string.

"Or now," Seth said.

Kyle looked up, and saw Kenzie walking up the driveway, her face holding a small smile.

He almost dropped the guitar in a rush to see her. Kyle knew she had some family and personal issues, and all he wanted was to make her feel more loved than anything. He kissed her, then hugged her tight. "Glad you could make it." Kenzie didn't have a chance to respond before Kyle pulled her into the garage and sat her next to Anna on the couch.

She was beautiful, he realized for the hundredth time. It wasn't just her soft smile, or twinkling brown eyes, it was who she was that made her beautiful. Kenzie was graceful, and didn't hurt people no matter how much they hurt her.

"We'll be ready in a minute," Kyle promised. As he hurried to finish up, he overheard Anna talking to Kenzie.

"Hey. I'm Anna, Spencer's girlfriend. Kyle's told us a lot about you."

Kyle could feel himself blushing as Kenzie laughed. "Really? He's adorable. Um, I'm Kenzie. Nice to meet..."

He worried when he heard Kenzie trail off, but then excitement filled her voice. "Is that a Danielle Arthur Dance Studio shirt?!"

"It is. Do you dance there?" Anna inquired.

"Well, no. I've always wanted to, but I'm probably not good enough..."

"Bullshit!" Anna declared, causing a smile to creep its way onto Kyle's face. "You're a great dancer. I can just tell by the way you hold yourself. I'll talk to Ms. Arthur for you if you want. She'll probably let you try out a class to see if you like it."

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