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Watching Kenzie Coleman struggle has been breaking Erin's heart for the past two years. Day after day the human girl would be her own deamon. Determined to help, Erin finally built up enough courage to ask the question. 

"I want to be Kenzie Coleman's guardian angel," she explained to God.

The great spirit smiled upon Erin White. "I've been waiting years for you to say that. Of course, Erin. I offically proclaim you a guardian angel."

Erin beamed. "Thank you, sir."

"I presume you know the challenges, yes?"

Erin nodded politely. "I do, sir."

"Wonderful. You must prepare yourself dear, for this journey will be like none you've ever taken."


"TRISTAN JAMES!" A loud voice boomed, making the devil jump slightly.

Tristan looked apologetically at the two girls sitting with him. "Duty calls," he said with a wink. Then, in an explosion of black dust, he was gone.

"Is there trouble brewing, Lucifer?" Tristan asked, appearing in the dark throne room.

The ultimate sinner glared down on him. "Only when you're around. Now wipe that cocky smirk off of your face and listen well. An angel by the name of Erin White has been assigned guardian angel for a human girl living in Michigan who goes by the name of Kenzie Coleman."

"I should care why?" Tristan asked.

Satan rolled his red eyes. "I've chosen you to be the devil that attacks the angel's job. Erin is being sent to help Kenzie, and you'll be sent to plunge her into further darkness."

Tristan rubbed his hands together. "Sweet. When am I going?"




I'm so excited to start this story!

I know this part was very short, but I promise the other chapters will be longer.

So in the meantime, please vote, comment, and share this story with the most devilish person you know. :)


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