26. I Guess I'd Enjoy A Show.

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Twenty Six


Reunions are always exiting. You see someone you haven't a while and you get to catch up and spend time together. Sounds great, right?

Wrong. Erin was terrified. Sure, she was happy that Natasha was still alive, but how would she explain the fact that she's sixteen? Or, at least that she looks sixteen.

The car ride there – which was already making her nauseous – was a half hour horror. It turns out Kyle wasn't the best driver, and Erin hung on to the door for dear life, forgetting she couldn't die.

"Erin," Kenzie said softly from the passenger seat, "are you okay?"

"Car sick," she muttered miserably.

Kenzie looked at Kyle, who glanced at her quickly with a reassuring smile. Erin shut her eyes tight. Even though it was selfish, Erin was upset that Kenzie didn't need her so much anymore. Of course, she was still struggling, but she could handle it on her own. And now she had Kyle, who was an absolute sweetheart and cared about her so much. Erin took a few deep breaths. Right now, she was still with Kenzie. Right now, Erin needed her.

The car jolted to a stop and Erin let out a sigh of relief. "We're here," Kyle announced.

"Do you want us to come in with you?" Kenzie asked gently. The light from the sun reflected off of her glasses, making it hard to see her eyes.

"Yeah," Erin agreed. "That would be nice.

A young red-haired woman greeted them at the door and asked them who they were visiting.

Kenzie gave Erin an assuring nod. "Natasha Delvec," she said.

The woman's face glowed with a smile. "How do you know Natasha?"

Oh, you know, Erin thought, we were best friends in the 1930's and I got myself killed pushing her out of harm's way.

"She's my great aunt," Erin finally told her.

"Well I'm sure she'll be happy to have some company. Natasha's been pretty sick recently."

Wide eyed, Erin stepped backwards and bumped into Kyle. "She's what?"

The woman frowned. "You didn't know? Oh, dear... Um, why don't you come with me?"

The three of them followed the woman down a labyrinth of hallways. The wall paper was yellow, faded from years of use. The carpet was grey and frayed. Coming from who knows where, the scent of tomato soup wafted around them. The entire place was depressing.

"Here we are," the woman said, stopping next to a wooden door with a sign numbered 328. "Go on in whenever you're ready." Then she walked away briskly, as if she wanted to get very far very soon.

Erin took a deep breath and turned to Kenzie and Kyle. "I better do this on my own."

Kenzie touched Erin's arm. "Whatever you need." She gave her a warm smile.

Carefully, Erin faced the door, pushed it open, and stepped inside.

The room was painted a light blue, and was filled with flowers. There were screen doors leading out to a balcony with a beautiful view of the gardens.

Natasha lay on the bed, reading a book, but looked up when Erin walked inside. Even though she had changed so vastly, Erin still saw her best friend. Natasha's skin had become wrinkly and her hair turned grey, but her brown eyes were still the same.

The elderly woman adjusted her glasses. "Oh my..." she said softly, voice raspy. "Erin..."

Tears sprung to Erin's eyes and she quickly walked over to Natasha, wrapping her in a hug.

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