The Beginning of the End

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Queen Rhea watched as her distraught son ran for his life. Seeking shelter within the confinements of the Castle of Elysion. A smirk appeared on her lips as she began to make her way towards the castle. While with each step she took it appeared the Earth itself died at her very feet. It was almost as if she was a walking plague. A disease that had dun amuck.

While elsewhere hidden within the safety in one of many prayer rooms inside the Crystal Castle. She watched her dear friend with a startled expression on her face. She knew that losing Helios would deal Rhea a heavy blow but nothing. Nothing could have prepared Neo Queen Serenity for what she saw. Her husband King Endymion stood by her side,the king physically showing his emotions to his beautiful queen. He was scared. Scared of losing his sister to the darkness within. Darkness he once believed was impossible for her to concieve.

To the best of her ability Neo Queen Serenity tried her best to console her husband. Reassuring him that she would do everything in her power to stop Rhea. And free her from her own darkness. Always believing his wife and never once doubting her King Endymion nodded as Neo Queen Serenity summoned her court to her.

Moments later the Legendary Senshi appeared in the prayer room. Sailor Mars,Soldier of Passion stood clad in a short white dress which was also pleated and translucent giving off an almost rainbow hue from head to toe. Beautiful white heels were on her feet while resting atop her forhead was th symbol for the planet Mars which gave off a bright iridescent glow."Sailor Mars,Guardian of Passion."Sailor Mars introduced before bowing her head respectfully before the King and Queen.

Next was Sailor Mercury,Soldier of Wisdom. The water senshi stood before her King and Queen in the similar translucent dress Sailor Mars was wearing. In fact it appeared all the girls were wearing the exact same uniform. "Sailor Jupiter,Soldier of Courage." "Sailor Venus,Soldier of Love." The girls introduced as they bowed their heads before their mighty rulers. Neo Queen Serenity bid the girls to raise their heads to her as she began to explain the situation. "The situation is dire. Queen Rhea has fallen into darkness when her husband High Priest Helios died. We must stop her before her darkness reaches us."She stated as the girls nodded towards their Queen.

"You can count on us!"Sailor Jupiter informed her giving the Queen a thumbs up. Causing the Queen to crack a smile but not before doing one thing for her friends. She was not about to send them to battle without her power. "I Neo Queen Serenity release the seal on your divine powers. "Neo Queen Serenity stated her voice giving off so much authority it seemed to shake the very room. She then held her Moon Rod over her head allowing the girls to be bathed in the Silver Crystal's divine light.

Immediately pillars of red,blue,green,and orange surrounded the senshi. Their bodies radiating with their new and once hidden power by their Queen. Believing that the time was right for the Four Legendary Guardians to release their true power. Power that could hopefully stop a Queen.

The 4 Guardians blessed by the Queen herself set off to their most powerful enemy yet. An ex senshi. Revered to be one of the most powerful senshi in existence. A Queen. And that Queen was Rhea. Who now stood outside her new Dark Starlight Rod in hand. While before her stood the Legendary Senshi ready to take her on to protect the Queen. "Surrender Queen Rhea,we don't have to do this!"Called out Sailor Mars hi held a pained expression on her face. In the past she and the others had protected the young Queen and now it had come to this.

"Spare me your words. You are powerless to stop me. Even with your unlocked divine powers."Queen Rhea called out to them with a smirk as Sailor Jupiter glared before her body began to give off a vibrant emerald glow before a pair of white wings formed on hr back. "Well see about that!" Celestial Sailor Jupiter spat as Queen Rhea smirked. "Bring it."She replied cooly.

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