Chapter 1

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My life is slowly slipping away from me, I find it hard to remember the smallest detail of it now. I have to keep reminding myself of three important facts: my name is Libellus Hope, I am 15 years old, and I am special.

I wish I could tell you how long I have been away from home, but time passes differently in different worlds. I don't even know what my home is anymore. Newt was my home, but he thinks I'm dead. We shall never see each other again, so we both must live with the loss of the other, both our hearts breaking simultaneously every day.

My mind has plenty of time to ponder over the events of the last few days whilst I fall through time and space. This feeling is not unlike the one I had whilst jumping off the cliff, into the griever
hole... Just before I died...

How is Newt coping? What was waiting for them outside the maze? Is he safe? These questions are eating my brain away, but I have not got the answers. I am helpless. Hopeless. Lost.

My mind cannot fathom what makes me special, what gives me the right to impossibly travel between worlds. I was normal for 15 years, got bullied at school and found paradise in books. Books were always there for me when I was abandoned by the world. I sought comfort in it's words, and they in turn distracted my distraught mind. You would think that I would be happy to be living in them, to be a part of the story, to meet the characters I so willingly obsess over. But no, I can't think of anything better than to just be home. I want my heartache to stop.

I'm falling now, the wind is brushing through my long brown hair, making it a hurricane. It blinds me, stopping me from seeing into the void below. I can't tell if my eyes are open or not; the setting doesn't change either way. My back is still stinging from the memory of being stabbed, which just makes it even more painful when I finally reach the floor.

My head hit the grass with a thud. I squinted up at the dazzling sunlight which pierced and blinded my sore eyes. The first thing I noticed was the power which I felt surging through my veins; it burned like a fire and filled me with energy. The second thing I noticed was the valley spread out in front of me.

I was sitting on a large hill with one single pine tree on the top. To one side, trees spread out all down it, only stopping when the tree met a deserted country road. The hill encircled what looked like a camp on the other side, with multiple cabins and, at the far end, the ocean spread out as far as the eye could see. On the left, there was another forest which had a small lake running through it. Where the lake came out of the forest and into an open area, 12 cabins were positioned in a U shape. Behind that was what looked like a dining area, with 12 large stone tables and stone pillars holding up the roof. Several other buildings were in this valley, including: stables, a dangerous looking climbing wall, volleyball courts and what looked like a greek amphitheater. What that was doing in a camp, I had no idea.

Various teenagers were running around the camp in orange t-shirts, and some where even wearing what looked like trousers with fur on them. It was strange clothing, but then I remembered what I was doing and decided that clothing was the least strangest thing here.

By now, a few people had spotted me sitting on the hill and were running towards me. I was causing quite a commotion, but then again I could understand that. Word had spread quite quickly, and the kids were frantically trying to reach me faster than their friends. However, a small group of people (I counted 5 in total), about my age, managed to get to me before anyone else. Even without knowing anything about them, I could see that these five were respected and even looked up to by the rest of the campers.

There were three boys and two girls. One of the boys had short black hair and was rather tall, although he had a kind face. The second had spiky blonde hair and glasses. The third was smaller than the others, but he looked like he had more muscles, and he wasn't wearing the uniform the other campers were wearing. This kid looked like an emo, he had shaggy black hair, black clothes with an army jacket, and was as pale as death. All three boys were handsome in their own ways though.

The two girls were also rather pretty. The first had long blonde hair tied into a ponytail, and was standing rather close to the brown haired boy (I assumed they were a couple). The second girl was African/American and had braided brown hair. That girl also seemed like she was partners with the blonde haired boy. Do all these people look like freaking gods?

I was the first to speak up. "Hi, uh, I didn't mean to cause any disruption. I fear I might be lost..."

"No, you're right where you are meant to be. We don't get newbies that often anymore. But don't worry, we'll explain everything to you shortly."

My body swivelled towards the blonde haired girl, who was the first person that had spoken. She was smiling at me, but behind her eyes I saw a type of curiosity that made me think she wanted to put me under a microscope and dissect me. I fidgeted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of hundreds of eyes resting on me as the campers arrived and formed a crowd around us.

"What did I miss?" Asked another boy breathlessly as he emerged from the watching crowd. Again, he looked the same age as me, and he was definitely a sight.

The boy was good looking, but not in the way the others were. His curly black hair hung into his eyes, and callouses marked his hands, along with multiple scars that could only come from hard work. He looked like an outcast, somebody that might get a second glance because of his appearance but would never be approached. His attitude screamed "over confident", but even I know that that can be a disguise for some sort of self consciousness. Finally, someone I could relate to.

"Hey, I'm Leo," the new boy announced, extending a hand out to me.

I shook it politely, introducing myself "I'm Libellus... What about the rest of you?"

One by one they stated their names. The blonde haired girl was Annabeth Chase, the other girl was Piper McLean, the black haired boy was Percy Jackson, the blonde haired boy was Jason Grace and the emo boy was Nico di Angelo. The names sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place them.

"You people have no friendliness, can't you see this poor girl isn't comfortable?" Leo dramatically draped an arm around my shoulder, whilst humorously making a show for everyone. "Stop treating her like a freak show!"

"Alright Valdez, seems as Libellus is in such good company, I guess we'll leave you to show her around and explain everything," Nico sneered, although I sensed another mask hiding his real behavior.

"With pleasure. Libellus, I have the honor of welcoming you to camp Half blood."

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