Chapter 7

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The rest of the day really dragged. After sword fighting, I had ten minutes to grab a quick shower and change clothes before I was being rushed to my next activity: archery. Let's just say some campers were still in the infirmary room, and we were supposed to be shooting at wooden targets. Then I had canoeing, the rock climbing wall, lunch preparation, arts and crafts, ancient Greek, lunch, weapon making, wood chopping, free time and dinner.

Rachel had arrived by the time I had my free time. When I asked Jason about her, he said that she would be staying in the big house and that I could go and see her before dinner. I offered him no explanation and headed off to where he said her room would be.

I made my way through a corridor on the top floor, past the infirmary, and stopped outside the door on the end. After knocking and waiting for a reply, I entered.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare was not what I had expected. She had curly ginger hair which looked untameable, and millions of freckles marked her pale cheeks. She looked like a hipster, as she was wearing paint-splattered jeans and a shirt with some type of quote or saying on it. I'm not sure what I had expected an oracle to look like, but it wasn't the cheerful girl standing meters in front of me.

"Hi! You must be Libellus, daughter of Zeus. I'm Rachel, camp oracle."

"Hey, nice to meet you," I replied.

"Sorry, did you want something?" She walked over to a chair and sat down, gesturing for me to do the same with the chair opposite her.

The room was quite empty, with only a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and two chairs filling it up. Although, it was just for visitors, so of course it wouldn't be like a five star hotel or anything.

"Um, yeah. I guess I just have a few questions and a bizarre story to talk to you about."

"Fire away, I'm all ears!"

"I hope you've got an open mind, because this is going to be a lot to take in," I started. "I don't come from this world. I'm not even sure how I traveled here and how I get back. When I was in my own world, I woke up from a nightmare and this green mist came out of my mouth and I spoke a prophecy. After that, I collapsed and I woke up in another world. We lived in a square area surrounded by a stone maze, made by some sick people who decided to trap a bunch of kids there. Everyone who was there were boys except from me, and we escaped the maze. However, when we escaped, I died."

"I got stabbed, and I..." I thought back to my last moments, tears filling my eyes. "Anyway, I woke up in this area that was all white, and I couldn't see anyone or anything. I think I ran in the white area until I came upon four different doors and a voice spoke to me. It told me that I had to choose a door and go to a different world, or else I would never get back to my real one. I stepped through a door, and here I am."

Rachel stared at me for a moment, trying to see if I was lying. I think she made up her mind when she saw the tears threatening to spill over.

"What was the prophecy?"

I took a deep breath and recited the words which I now knew off by heart.

"This one is chosen,
Destined for great.
Until then, times will be frozen,
It is in her fate.
Travel between worlds,
But do not speak of this one.
Watch the stories unfurl,
But more lies ahead then just fun."

"I..." Rachel gasped, shooting out of her chair.

"What? What is it?" I shouted, watching as her eyes went wide and she stumbled to hold on to something.

Her hand blindly fumbled around her, knocking over a flower pot which sat on her desk, sending it crashing to the floor. Rachel's body rocked unsteadily and I managed to ease her back into the chair.

The door crashed open and Chiron came galloping in. "What is happening?"

"I don't know! We were just talking!"

Rachel shut her eyes for a moment before opening them again, only this time for them to be emerald green. A coil of green smoke curled out of her open mouth, seemingly having a voice of it's own.

"Three must journey to Iceland's twin,
Find the goddess who makes couples grin.
Seek to save her deranged mind,
A goddess will not be the only thing they find.
Death and fire, who will fall?
The daugher of Zeus will decide it all.
Find the trouble maker in an icy tomb,
More than one shall fall into the gloom."

Rachel's head fell forward and she lost consciousness. Chiron called for some medics, and they quickly bustled into the room. However, I wasn't aware of any of it. I was deaf to the world, and I was blind to everything except blurry shapes. Those shapes became the walls of the corridor, and the noise became the pounding of my feet running in time with my heart.

This is the second time I have run away from something since being here. My life is hard enough, can't these worlds be fun for me? It's one thing to rip me away from my family, but to stick me in a world which seems determined to make my life a living hell too?

It was clear that Rachel had just said a prophecy; it did sound a lot like what I had sounded like and looked like. Most of it wasn't clear, and I didn't understand what most of it meant, but there were a few things that were obvious. For starters, me, Nico and someone else would be traveling somewhere to find a goddess who had gone crazy. Then, I'd have to make some sort of choice between my two companions... Great.

I ran to the only place where I knew I would be welcomed, as I had been there once before. Just as I had expected, Leo was in his bunker and was working on something. My actions hadn't exactly been quiet, so I didn't have to wait for the boy to notice me. It looked like, somehow, Leo had gotten word about the prophecy already (wow word travels quickly around this place. Although he probably has some sort of genious invention that he heard it from) because, as soon as he saw me, he silently walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm going with you," Leo whispered into my ear. "So it won't be that hellish."

"How do you know?"

"'Death and fire' is obviously referring to two people. Death is Nico, and fire... Well, I'm the only one that can do this."

Leo stepped away from me and held up his hand, palm facing up. I was confused for a moment, but that confusion soon evaporated, as a small flame appeared in his hand, not even burning his skin.

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