Chapter 14

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Snow smashed into the windscreen as we blindly drove through the oncoming snow. It was coming down harder then it had been throughout all of the time we had been here, making it very difficult for us to know where we were going.

Leo somehow managed to get the car to the airport, where we parked and gladly made our way into the warm building. The cheerful girl who had welcomed us to this country was still sitting behind her plain desk, and she was the only one there.

I took the lead and walked forward so that I was standing in front of the girl. She didn't glance up at me, so I cleared my throat to try and get attention. Still nothing.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if we could discuss something with you."

The girl slowly raised her head, a viscious glare plastered onto her pretty features.

"That's always the case with you demigods. Always wanting something and wasting time, trying to act like heroes. It's sickening!" She hissed, rising to her feet.

Nico had already unsheathed his deadly sword. "How do you know what we are? Who are you?"

"How dare you talk to me, son of Hades! You incompetent child! How dare you not recognise me, do you not remember me from your time in tartarus?" She shouted angrily.

Both me and Leo had followed Nico in getting out our swords, which was good, for the crazy person was now right in front of us and was obviously fuming. As I was watching her, her body seemed to shift and I caught sight of a strange creature standing in her place.

The first thing I noticed was the flaming hair. It sent smoke flying towards the ceiling and the hair flickered in the flames. Then, there were the legs. She had one furry goat leg, but the other was made out of celestial bronze. Fangs hung out of her snarling mouth, which had soon disappeared when her form returned to the normal mortal.

"Did you see that?" I demanded to my friends.

"Empousai," Leo replied, edging forward with his sword raised.

A scream came from next to me, and I remembered Willow. "She is ugly! Did you see her legs?"

A high pitched cry of rage erupted from within the empousai. In one swift motion, she had grabbed Willow by her hair and violently snapped the poor girl's neck. I gasped, running forward to try and stop what had already happened.

Leo and Nico followed me, and in less than a minute, the monster was just a pile of dust at our feet. Willow's limp body lay on my lap as I cradled her small head in my hands.

"You helped me when I was in need, you basically saved my life, and yet this is the fate I have brought to you. I am so sorry, Willow. I swear on the river Styx that I will avenge your death!" I muttered through tears.

Both of my companions gasped as I finished my sentence. Swearing on the river Styx was something I had learnt about back at camp, and if someone broke the promise, then... Well, let's just say that there are things worse than death.

I rose to my feet and whispered one final goodbye to my friend before exiting the building. We had work to do.

No one uttered a word as we rushed back to the town. My feet tapped impatiently against the floor, and my hands anxiously pulled at the fraying edges of the seats. Leo kept his eyes on the road, and Nico stared glumly out of the window. Looks like he wasn't as tough as he made out to be.

Both of them hadn't mentioned me vowing to get revenge, as there was nothing to be done about it now. I couldn't go back even if I wanted too. I would rip that ugly mountain apart with only my two hands if it meant I could kill that stupid goddess. If it wasn't for her, this quest wouldn't have happened and that innocent girl wouldn't have died.

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