Chapter 20

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The two boys fell through the air for a few seconds before bumping into the side of the mountain and grabbing onto it. Both of them were gripping the ground with their bare hands, trying to stop their bodies from falling. My mind was torn, wondering who I would go to help first.

"Sorry to dissapoint you, Libellus. But you may only save one of your companions. The other... Well, they'll fall to their death. Don't worry I'll make sure of it!" Lucie laughed. "Oh, and you two better not think about just letting go, I've made it impossible for that to happen."

I glared at the girl, before turning around. I needed to think. My hands came over my ears, trying to block out all of the noise echoing around me. Who should I save? Leo had always been there for me, and was one of my best friends. Nico had been kind and unkind to me, but I couldn't help considering him as another of my best friends. After all, the things he had said were only lies.

"Save Nico, Libellus! I haven't got much to live for, anyway. You know that!" Leo shouted.

"What? No! Lib, save Leo! You've heard how unkind I've been to you, he deserves to be saved!" Nico interrupted.

"Shut up!" I screamed, silencing the boys.

"Time's ticking, Libellus!" Lucie whispered, coming right up to my face.

My mind flashed back to all of the good moments I had shared with the boys. Leo had welcomed me into his own personal space when I had been overwhelmed by camp. He had comforted me, and we had connected instantly. Nico had dueled with me, making me feel happier on my last day of camp. Plus, he had given me those gifts, which were very comforting and a huge show of affection. But Leo had given me warmth throughout this whole journey, and hadn't failed to lighten my mood. Then again, Nico had calmed me down when I panicked, and he also allowed me to share my worries for my brother. Nico confided in me about his own troubles, and visited me when I was alone in the dark. Leo had helped me discover my powers. Both needed to feel as if they were loved, both needed to live.

I practically yanked my hair out in my frustration, who should I save?

"Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory dock.

Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck two
And down he flew,
Hickory Dickory dock.

Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck three
And he did flee,
Hickory Dickory dock.

Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck four,
He hit the floor,
Hickory Dickory dock..." Aphrodite trailed off, thankfully losing interest in the song.

I stared off into the distance, trying to clear my mind. Behind Leo, the sun was setting, a very peaceful sight. However, that setting sun also acted as a timer for me. Soon time to choose. The sun was still high enough for it to shine on the mountain, casting a huge shadow on the ground far, far below Nico. It would be impossible to survive that fall.

"Before I choose, tell me one thing. What happened to Willow's parents?" I demanded quietly.

Lucie glanced at Aphrodite, who shrugged quickly then returned back to a game she seemed to be playing. The girl obviously took that shrug as permission to tell me.

"Aphrodite is obviously the goddess of love, and when she arrived, all of the couples in that awful town were compelled to visit her. They all made their way up this mountain days before you did. As for what happened to them..." Lucie grinned an evil smile, whilst glancing over the side of the mountain. "Let's just say their hearts weren't the only thing that was broken."

I followed Lucie's gaze to the ground below us, but all I saw was snow.

"It's a shame the snow has buried them, but no matter. There will soon be another body to join them! Now choose!"

I looked at each of the boys one last time. Leo's hands were red and his veins bulged with the weight of his body. It was obvious he wouldn't be able to hang on for much longer. In his eyes, I saw no will to live. I just saw desperation to die.

Nico didn't look much better. His grip was firmer than Leo's, but even I could see how difficult the task was getting for him. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and he seemed to be trying to get some message across to me. I understood it, because no matter what our differences were, me and Nico thought the same.

His message sunk in and I considered it. Who should I save? No matter what Nico was and what he had done, he certainly wasn't one to make up a crazy plan if he didnt believe in it. So shouldn't I believe in it too? After all, he is my friend.

My mind was made up, and I knew what I had to do. I steadied my nerves, trying to focus and draw up the strength that I would need to pull a body up. After glancing up at the sky and saying a silent prayer to Zeus, I was ready.

"Time's up, Libellus."

I darted forward, my feet moving fast. A shout came from the direction I was facing, pleading for me to run the other way. To save the other boy. I ignored him, and continued to save Leo.

All of my strength was directed towards my arms as I grabbed the boy's hands and pulled him up. His exhausted body fell onto the ground and lay there, his breaths coming out quickly.

A yell came from behind me and I sensed Nico fall through the air. This was the moment.

"I'm sorry, Leo. Trust me," I whispered.

He must have known I was going to do something crazy, because he tried to grab my ankle to stop me. However, I managed to dodge his hand and instead sprinted across the mountain top again. My feet didn't lose any speed as the edge got closer and closer.

Before I knew it, the ground was gone and I was free-falling through the air.

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