Chapter 3

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That night, I had the weirdest dream.

I was standing in a huge room, with a large doorway and no door directly opposite me, and a double doorway with two stone doors behind me. In front of the single doorway was a large stone throne, made up of square slabs. Smaller identical thrones were sat a little bit apart from the first one and stretched out in a semi circle (the bigger throne at the point) with six on either side.

Other than the thrones, the room was empty. I stood in the centre of it, just in front of the largest throne. Above me, the ceiling was miles above my head. I felt tiny in the vastness of this place.

Then, a man entered the room behind the throne. He must have been about 40 years old, as his short brown hair was starting to show signs of grey. He was wearing the type of armour I had seen earlier, at camp. A bronze breastplate and greaves that went down to his knees. An aura of power encircled him, making me get down on one knee in a bow.

He took a seat on the centre throne, looking me up and down. He was quite tall and filled out the whole throne. His face had the look of someone who had once been handsome, but had faded somewhat over the years.

"Rise, Libellus."

The one command was simple enough, but it made my skin crawl with expectations and the need to please this man. I stood, my knees shaking all the way.

"You should not be alive. I have broken the law twice now, but somehow I just cannot bring myself to regret you. I have summoned you hear tonight because I have a question for you."

I stared at the floor all throughout his speech, not being able to bring myself to make eye contact. What could he want with me?

"I heard your prayer at the brazier. What did you mean by "before I leave again"? It has thrown me into puzzlement, especially as your life seems nonexistent before you showed up at camp yesterday. However hard I try, I cannot find any mention of your life anywhere. No records of you or your mother..."

My dry throat had to make a lot of effort before I could utter a syllable to this man. "I'm sorry, sir, but it's just that I have a tendency to be dragged away from things without meaning to. I fear I shall not last long at this camp."

The man considered this for a moment. "You do not know who I am, do you?"

"Should I?" I asked, finally meeting his eyes. In them, I saw a sort of fondness, as if this stranger cared about me. His eyes lit up as my response made a short chuckle escape from him.

"No I guess not. Well then, I shall not keep you any longer, and shall let you return back to sleep." The throne room started fading, turning my vision black. I started to panic, fearing the dark, until I heard the man call out one last time. "Goodbye, my child."

That morning, I woke up screaming. Multiple campers rushed to my bedside, expecting some sort of monster to be attacking me. These kids were all trained killers, so many slept holding their knives. Excitement briefly flared in them, but it was soon replaced by disappointment when they saw nothing to fight.

"Nightmare?" Connor and Travis questioned simultaneously. I nodded. "Come with us, we'll help you go through it if you want. We'll just give you a few minutes to get changed."

Connor had left me a backpack, three camp t-shirts (orange shirts which had "camp half blood" written on them), various pairs if jeans and shorts, a toothbrush, undergarments, a towel and two pairs of shoes. I started by taking a quick shower in the single bathroom, tying my hair up in a bun once I'd finished. Then I got change into a camp shirt and black skinny jeans, brushing my teeth to finish. All in all I was done in about half an hour.

Connor and Travis were waiting for me outside the cabin. They decided to take me down to the beach, where it would hopefully be quiet. The beach was beautifully sandy, with hardly a rock on it. There was one wooden dock that stretched a small distance into the cold blue ocean.

To start off with, I was informed that it wasn't uncommon for me to have lucid dreams. Apparently, lots of demigods get dreams and nightmares, whether they're messages from gods or threats from various monsters. Either way, this dream didn't make me different from any other demigod.

I explained to them my dream in vivid detail, starting with my description of the room and ending with the man's last words. Once I had finished, I looked up to see two pale faces staring back at me with new found terror and respect.

"This is bad. We need to get you to Chiron, right now," Travis exclaimed nervously.

They both grabbed my arms and basically marched me to the big house. It was a wooden building, filled with various fishing things. Upstairs was the infirmary, and downstairs there was one huge room which looked out onto the ocean and acted as a living room. There were several sofas sitting in a circle, and we found Chiron standing near the fireplace.

"Chiron, we have some bad news..." Travis started, entering the room.

The centaur turned to look at us, worry setting a frown on his bushy eyebrows. "You best tell me then."

But they didn't have to. For at that moment, a strange light illuminated the room. The boys turned to look at me... Although their eyes weren't really on me, they were on a spot just above my head. I looked up just in time to see a luminous symbol of a lightning bolt spinning above my head, the shape already fading away.

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