3. One Way Ticket To Strangeville

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"Hey!" The man yelled when I opened the door and sprinted from the room. I didn't look back. I almost ran into multiple people waiting their turn as I weaved my way through the building.

"Stop!" Yelled a man as I neared the doors. He ran at me but I ducked down and took his legs out from under him. I didn't see how he landed, I was out the doors before he touched the ground. People stared at me as I ran by, wondering what was happening. The Erudite guards didn't follow me, but I knew they would eventually be searching for me in their cars. The first thought that popped in my head was "train". I needed to get to the train. I needed to stop running and think. That's where I headed.

When I neared the train tracks, I saw the train speeding towards me and I ran with the tracks.

"Morgana!" I didn't even look at the source of the voice. I didn't want to risk tripping or something that would enable them to catch me "Morgana!" It called again. I still didn't look back. Once the train passed me, I picked up speed and jumped into the cart. I quickly hid myself in the back of the cart, hoping to be able to hide from or at least sneak up on whoever had followed me.

Seconds later, a figure appeared in the cart and I hid even further behind a crate.

"Morgana?" Called the voice. Finally able to concentrate on the voice, I realized it was none other than Carson. Rage filled up in me and I pounced.

"Carson!" I screamed and tackled him to the ground.

"What the Hades Morgana?"

"You knew, didn't you? You knew I was divergent! And so did my mom! Why did you guys hide it from me?" I was screaming at the top of my lungs and my head felt so hot it could explode.

"Okay, just sit down and-"

"Don't tell me to sit down! Just tell me what you know!"

"Okay," Carson sighed. I got off Carson and let him breath, my eyes piercing through him. If looks could kill, he'd be suffering a long death. "We didn't know you were divergent. We had a hunch but we didn't want to tell you in case it wasn't true."

"How could you have a hunch?"

"Uh," Carson scratched his head. "We just did."


"Okay fine. I didn't want to tell you this till we got there but I guess you deserve to know who you are. Do you remember what we learned about the Greek Gods and Goddesses?"

"What, like Zeus and Hades and stuff like that? Aren't those just myths? And what do you mean by get there? Get where? Where are we going?"

"A safe place. And those stories aren't just myths. Every now and then the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus come down to Earth and mix with mortals and produce children. Half God half human."

"Yeah, demigods. What's your point?"

"Well, your mother is one of them. You're grandfather is the Greek God Hades."


"Not only are you a descendant of Hades, but you are also the daughter of another God. We don't know who yet. Hopefully he will claim you when we get to the Camp."

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