7. Embarassing moment #1

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Just when I was settling in to my new home, my past threw itself back in my face. I wasn't complaining. I mean I love my mom and missed her, but she really could have chosen a better entrance.

I felt my eyes start to water as I stared at my mother.

"My little girl," she cooed. "I've been so worried about you." She embraced me in her loving arms. "How are you? Are they taking good care of you? Are they feeding you well?"

"Yes, mom I'm fine. It's great here." She kept checking me to make sure I wasn't hurt.

"You're injured!" She was lifting up the makeshift bandage on my arm and examined the wound.

"It's nothing. Just a little scratch."

"You should get that checked out."

"I did," I lied. "It'll be fine. Someone just cut me during capture the flag."

"Well, it looks like you're happy so that's the main thing."

"Why'd you come here?" I abruptly asked. "I mean, how did you get here? Did something happen back home?"

"Oh nothing like that, I just had some extra time so I thought I'd come visit you." There was pain in her voice and I knew she was hiding something.

"What is it mom?"

Reluctantly, she answered.

"Ever since you were found to be divergent, people have been keeping a close eye on me and your brother. I fear that soon they will stop patrolling and take action. I was able sneak out when everyone went to bed. I wanted to see you one last time before I lost the opportunity."

"How'd you sneak out? There's guards everywhere. If you're being watched they would have spotted you no problem."

"One of the perks of being a daughter of Hades is I can shadow travel. But that's the only gift I have."

"Shadow what?"

"Shadow travel. Children of Hades can manipulate the shadows to transport them from one place to another. It takes a lot out of a demigod though so I have to take breaks between each one. Otherwise the shadows could literally rip me apart with their power."

I remembered the time I touched my mom and the vision of her being consumed by darkness. It all made sense now. My mom was going to die by shadow travelling.

"Promise me you'll never do it again," I mumbled as I stared at my feet. 


"Promise me!"

"Morgana what's wrong?"

"My vision. It was of you. You died in the shadows. You were ripped apart."

"Oh sweetie." She hugged me close, petting my head. "You don't have to worry about me. I know how to manage my limits. That will never happen."

"Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise." We sat there for a few moments, watching the flames of the campfire dance in the sky. Song rang out as my siblings led yet another sing along.

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