4. I Attract The Sun

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"Morgana. Come on, wake up."

My head bobbed around and I slowly opened my eyes to see Carson shaking me awake. I pushed myself onto my elbows before wiping the sleep from my eyes. That was when I noticed Carson wasn't hiding his legs anymore. Not only did he have the furry legs of a goat but he also had the hooves. It didn't even phase me. I was accustomed to being exposed to new things. Carson didn't even seem nervous showing his legs. I guess he was in his...natural habitat. Is that the word?

"Unless you want to miss breakfast I suggest you get up." I grunted and threw the covers off my body.

After making the bed, I looked around and noticed there were people tending to the patients. They fed them their morning meal, whatever it was, and replaced bandages. One young boy curled over and another held a bucket beneath him. The boy coughed up blood. I felt so bad for the boy but the others just kept going about their business like it was a daily occurrence. Maybe it was.

As i watched the boy, a black fog shimmered above his head and within seconds, a body formed inside it.

"Carson! Do you see that?" I whispered to him, pointing at the boy.

"See what?"

"That! Above his head!"

"There's nothing there. Why? What do you see?"

I watched as the body sharpened into a clear image. It wore the same orange t-shirt as the boy it hovered above. It was the boy. He was lying on the same bed as he was then except there was no movement on his chest to suggest breathing.

"Him dead." I lowered my eyes and stared absently at the ground. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Carson.

"Come on." He lead me out of the infirmary and out into the sunlight. In the daylight, the camp was spectacular. To my left was a green court where kids bumped a ball around. I had never seen such a sport but it looked interesting. Straight ahead was the entrance we came through the previous night. A lone pine tree stood by the archway as a dragon curled around it. Wait...did I say dragon? Of course. Why not right?

"Hey you two."

I turned around and saw a blonde haired girl leaning up against the building we just left. Her orange shirt read "Camp Half-Blood" and sported a winged horse below it. It was just like the shirt the boy in the infirmary wore. She walked over to us, her grey eyes scanning me up and down.

"You must be the demigod I've been assigned to. My name's Annabeth."

"Morgana." I shook her outstretched hand.

"I'll take it from here Carson."

Carson nodded and wandered off.

"You probably have a lot of questions. Like why you're here, who you are, and what's going on but-"

"Nope." I interrupted her speech.


"Carson briefly filled me in on the way here."

"Oh. Okay. Well in that case I guess just the tour is on your to do list?"

I shrugged and nodded.

"Well I'll show you things on the way to breakfast. We don't want to miss that."

I followed Annabeth as we made our way through the camp. She told me every little thing about the areas we passed. She pointed out the arts and craft building, the arena (which reminded me a lot of Dauntless), and took me through the cabins area. Each cabin was spectacularly designed to reflect each God and Goddess in a delightful display. My grandfather's cabin was dark, obsidian walls were decorated with torches wielding green flames and a skull hung above the doorway. In a way I was glad I wasn't a direct child of Hades. It seemed so lonely. As we made our way to the dining pavilion, Annabeth even explained the game of volleyball to me.

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