5. Hell's Dog; Master Bark

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*Thud* *Thud*
Arrow after arrow found its mark in the target several meters away. While I may have not been the best archer to begin with, they still managed to hit the target. Within a couple days I was hitting the bull's eye quite often. I knew for certain that the arrow was meant for me. It could very well be the Apollo in me though I didn't care what it was.

"Impressive progress there, Morgana." Chiron walked around the archery range, surveying each archer as they practiced. Ever since I began my training at camp Chiron kept a close eye on me. Maybe he was making sure I was settling in nicely. Maybe he was wanting to see what potential I had. He seemed like the type of person, or Centaur, to care deeply for those special to him.

"Thank you sir," I replied.

"How many times must I remind you to call me Chiron? Sir makes me feel old."

"Sorry si...Chiron."

He smirked as he walked past me.

"Why don't you take a break and meet me at the arena. Practice your close combat."

I cringed at the sound of close combat. It was definitely not my favourite. And I thought I would be free of that once out of Dauntless.

"Yes si...Chiron." I returned my bow and quiver to its respective spot and headed off to get a drink of water.


I nearly choked on the water when I heard an all too familiar voice.

"Hey gorgeous."

I turned around to come face to face with none other than Leo. The camp was only so big and it wasn't long before he found me again. No matter how much I tried.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from me?"

"As many as you like. I'm not counting."

I groaned. I may have tried to hide my disgust at first, trying to be kind to the boy, but his persistence really got on my nerve. It didn't take long for me to just snap and not care about his feelings.

"Let me rephrase that. Get away from me." I turned around and began walking away. I didn't hear another word out of him after that. I worried he was planning something.

"Sit girl!" I heard a young voice approaching me. "Mrs. O'Leary come back!" I regretted turning around.

See, what I was expecting was a little dog that was off leash and a little boy was chasing after it. Haha nope. Not even close. What was charging at me wasn't a small dog. I wouldn't even consider it a dog. More like a black tank with fur. I didn't even get a chance to scream before my vision went black.

I thought I was dead until I felt a heavy breath on me. I peered through my eyelids to see the creature towering above me. It's face seemed to be glowing with happiness as its red eyes stared down at me.

It barked which then let my scream escape. I could have sworn I would go deaf if that thing barked one more time. Its mouth opened and I thought that was the end of me. It was going to eat me. Barely a week at camp and I was already dying.

I squeezed my eyes shut but instead of a chomp, something wet slapped itself onto my arm and up my face. Looking up, I saw the creature's tongue dripping slobber as it hung out of its mouth. I shivered at the thought.

"Mrs. O'Leary get off her now!"

The creature named Mrs. O'Leary bounded off me and walked over to a young boy. Or at least that's what his voice made me think. He was probably the size of a full grown man and on top of that, had one eye right in the middle of his forehead. I had to do a double take on that one.

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