Chapter 1

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Skylars POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I turned it off and sat up stretching, I got up and took a shower did my girl stuff, hair,makeup,ECT... Anyways I changed into a red long sleeve and black sweats with black and white striped fuzzy socks and walked down stairs " good morning " Kana said making breakfast " morning Kana" I said yawning, I said down on the couch and turned the TV on " heyy look UFO hunters are on" I smiled and relaxed and watched the show "hahaha omg Sky you and UFOs I sware" kana said laughing " hey! ive seen one in real life before so that's why in interested in them okay!" I protested " oh jeez it was an airplane Sky " "was not an airplane ! are air planes round with lights on the side !!?!?!?! no they are not!!!" I argued " hey what's with the arguing and yelling about ?" Gerardo said in a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes walking down stairs "Sky with her UFOs again" kana said laughing " again ? really Sky?" I glared at him -humph- I pouted and crossed my arms and just watched my show " aww cmon we still love you no matter how crazy we think you are with your UFOs " Gerardo said hugging me " whatever" I muttered. He laughed and ruffled my hair and walked into the kitchen "MORNING FABULOUS PEOPLE!!!!" we heard Kitana yelled as she walked down the stairs with Vincent behind her "morning" we all said, Kitana sat besided me and poked my belly " hows tha baby?" she asked "shes fine shes been kicking a lot but ive gotten use to it hah" I said smiling " haha that's good" she said and watched the show with me "foods ready " I grabbed my plate and sat down to eat "mmmmm thanks Kana its really good " I said "welcome and thanks Sky" she said smiling I smiled and continued eating, after I ate I put my pull over sweater that has a pic of a pitbull and says ' Don't bully my Breed' I put my black fuzzy boots and left for work, I pulled up at my work in my new ford truck ( the picture) I work at a computer engineer school and program computers and fix them which is pretty cool and I make good dam money. Anyways I walk in and I see my Boss with a guy that ive never seen before "good morning boss " I said smiling " ahh Skylar my best tech wizard, come meet our new worker his name is Victor " I smiled and held my and out " hello im Skylar but you can call me Sky" "hello Im Victor but you can call me Vic" he smiled a little and shook my hand. I smiled and looked at my boss " when dose he start?" I asked " he starts today actually, do you mind showing him the ropes of this place ?" " yea no problem sir come Vic ill show you around" I smiled and walked into the office " so You knew around here ?" I asked " yes, I just moved from California " I smiled a bit " oh that's cool im from there too, I moved here couple months ago" "oh cool" he said, i smiled abit and showed him the workshop and i told him where everything is and he started to work, he worked right next to me just incase he needed help heh. Anyways as i was working i hear that there was someone at the counter and i told vic to give it a try later on he asks me to help him out so i go and i freez right infront of my eyes i see.....

Ninja Love Story- book twoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora