chapter two

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Victors POV
I looked at Sky she seemed tense and looked at the guy in fear, as I take a closer look at the guy i see that he's armed and I take in his features he has black hair, green hazel eyes and he was tan and he had a Cali shirt and black skinny jeans he had black and white vans and his hair was comes over. She shook out of her trance and walked up to the customer "hello sir, can I help you with anything?" She asked. He looked at her and smirked a little "ah yes I was wondering if you can fix my laptop its been acting slow and I don't know whats going on" she took the laptop "alright sir well we will take a look at it and let you know whats going on" he smiled and nodded "thanks " he went and stood by the counter I followed Sky and helped her with the laptop.

Someone's POV
I looked at her *my she's developed that stomach since the last time I've seen her, she's so beautiful and I just want to hug her. But she won't come near me, I know she's scared of me ever since. Killed her loved one but I'll get threw her anyways who wouldn't want me as their babies father haha anyways I see that guy he's close to her and I don't like it .... but I heard that he's a new ones and she's training him. Ahhh a leader she's always been I love her so much, why cant she love me?

Victors pov
I walked back and looked at her "is everything okay Sky?" i asked her "hm?..oh yea im fine " she said with a small smile as she checked the laptop and she walked back out "everything is fine with your computer it was just locked thats all" she said "oh thank you, how much?" he asked "its free nothing is wrong thats all" she smiled alittle. He nodded and left, she went back and sat down and i sat down with her "i-i was thinking.... Tonight im having a party at my place if u wanna come u can bring friends to if you want " i said smiling alittle "sure i would love to, what time?" she said smiling "its at 6pm-2am you dont need to stay the while time but there will be a DJ and food and stuff hah" i said laughing alittle

After Work

Skys POV

After work, I went home and went to the game room to find everyone there " Hey guys " I said walking in "hey Sky" everyone said " so whos up t go to a party at 6pm?" I asked them " Heyy, Im down for a PARRRTTTYYYYYY~~" said Kana. I laughed alittle and went into my room and looked at my clock (5:50) I went into my closet and looked at what I can wear, well im pregnant so im gonna look wired at a party looking all cute, so plan B "Hey Edem can you do me a favor? " 'what is it sweety?' " can you carry my baby so I wont get hurt at the party please?" ' sure honey no problem ' she said, i looked down and saw my stomach shrink. I smiled and put on some ripped skinny jeans and a crop top that says "party animal" i smiled and let my hair down and put on my B/W convers and went down stairs "hey guys you ready?" i asked "yesss!" they said and we drove off to the house.
(15 mins later)
Kanas POV
We followed Skys car to this two story house with balloons and streamers and flashing lights put of the window and you can hear the beats of the music the DJ was playing in the house. We all smiled and parked and got out the car and went to the door, as Sky knocked i looked around 'gotta memorize all the exita of this house just in case' i thought. "Oh hey Sky ! Glad you can make it " a guy said with a blue button up shirt and blue jeans and some black vans. "Hey Victor im happy to be here " Sky said smiling "so who are your friends?" Victor said "hm?... Oh this is Kana, Kitara, And Gerardo" She said pointing at all of us, He smiled "Hey guys welcome to the party, hope you guys have fun!" he let us in and we saw like ten people here at the house. As we all seperated I made sure i knew were Sky was just to make sure she was safe.

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