Chapter 3 ~ The Reaping Part 2

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(Peeta's POV]

Primrose Everdeen

Katniss looks around, she is panicking. She is scared. I try to hold back my anger, knowing that they won't do anyone any good. But the rest of my family has other plans.

Finnick yells towards Faye, demanding that the reaping has been rigged, that how it is such a coincidence that after his mother and father defy the capitol that their only daughter is reaped.

Rose ignores Finnick, and makes her way up to the stage, looking casual as she stands besides Faye.

'Well, how old are you Primrose'?


'Well, tough crowd hey' Nobody laughs.

Faye clears her throat before continuing.

'And now, for he over 18's' Faye walks across to the second reaping ball.

'Tess Parkinston'

I turn to see a woman, maybe early thirties walk up to the stage, her hands shaking. She is trying to look brave. I hear two screams and see two children, maybe 6 or 7 running towards her. She pry's their fingers from her hands and whisper in their ears. They run of to an older looking woman, trying to supress their sobs.

'Well, those little mongrels couldn't let you go, could they?' Asks Faye, trying again to bring humour to the reaping but again, failing miserably.

Tess opens up her mouth to protest but Fay cuts in.

'Next tribute then'

After Faye has a hold of a slip of paper, she unfolds it and reads the name inside.

'Annie O'dair'

Now I know that the reaping's are rigged. First her only son and now herself? More than a coincidence I think

I see Katniss' hands clench into fists and immediately go to restrain her.

'Let me go Peeta'

'Don't make things worse'

'I won't'

'Katniss, you will'

When Katniss finally calms down we put our attention back on the reaping. Apparently it took Faye ages to get Annie up on the stage.

'Ok, our third tribute for the 100th Hunger Games is...'

'Peeta Mellark'

'No' Screams Finnick, Rose and Katniss

Katniss grabs my arm, she is frightened. I feel like I am in a replay of my first Games, I feel weak and scared.

'Don't go' Katniss begs.

But rules are rules so I shake her arm off and walk onto the stage. I stand next to Rose, she no longer looks calm.

Outside I try to look brave, but as usual, failing badly, what if I don't return? The first year there was no one who would have cared if I died, except for Katniss. The second year it WAS my plan not to return, but this year. If I don't return my family will be crushed. I Must make it back for my family.

'Well, what a family mix this year hey?'

I wish Faye would stop attempting to be funny. She sounds like an eager child trying to get popular.

After Faye finishes the closing speech, we are led into the Justice Building. It has been newly renovated so it no longer smells like sour milk.

The peacekeeper on duty is Commander Reed. He is nice to all the tributes. He looks at us sympathetically before putting us in a room. He even lets Rose and I both have the same room for our goodbyes.

Obviously our first visitors were Katniss and Finnick. Rose and I immediately get up and we give everyone a group hug. Katniss is crying silently while Finnick just has tears in his eyes.

We stay like that for a while until Katniss pipes up,

'I know 12 hasn't had a victor for 25 years, but that doesn't mean you aren't both coming home. I will be your mentor Rose while Haymitch will be your mentor Peeta'

'I don't know if I can win, I mean, I'm not that talented with a bow or camouflage, and people tell me they are my talents' Rose has finally broke down. She thinks she is going to get killed.

'Rose, you are a very talented archer and painter, the other tributes won't stand a chance against you. Just promise us you won't underestimate yourself and try to come home to us?' My attempt to calm her down is working.

'I will, but what about you dad?'

'Like I'm going to leave your mother to fend for herself against you guys, she won't last 3 days without me' I say to lighten the mood.

Katniss hits my shoulder and I hit her back.

'Very mature guys' Rose says, while Finnick is rolling his eyes.

'I hate to break it to you' Says Commander Reed. No one noticed he was standing in the doorway. 'But your time is up'

We share individual hugs and after a few minutes of argument towards Reed (Finnick), Rose and I are left alone. The games are going to be different this year. I just don't know what to do about it.

(Rose's POV)

I'm staring at the train ceiling. It's a turquoise colour, with black detailed lines running through it.

'Should we watch the reaping?' Asks mother

Almost my entire family is here, on the train with me. Mother is my mentor, so she is coming with us. Finnick wasn't allowed to come, so Hazelle is going to look after him and give him support throughout the games. I'm glad it's Hazelle, as Finnick really needs support. Nobody else would help. Effie offered to help but she isn't the best person to cry too. Effie tears up at the slightest tear. She would be an emotional wreck if it came to one of our deaths.

'I guess I should see my competitors'

We walk through the train, I was wondering how mother new her way around when I remembered she has been on this train thousands of times.

I try to remember all the under 18 tributes but only a few people remain in my head. A tall, blonde girl named Diamond from district 1, a set of twins from district 4, a girl on crutches in 6 (She won't last very long), a freakishly large boy from 9 and 2 small kids from 10. They look like they are only 9, but the rules about the age limits are still the same. I didn't listen to the over 18's but one name caught my attention...

'Gale' mother whispers.

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