Chapter 10.5 ~ Small Tribute

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Ok, I'm sorry. I know what I'm said, but even I'm mad at me for not updating! Last you heard was Annie's cannon. I'm feeling a lot better. Not 100% but about 87% and thats good enough for me. 

Also, I want your idea's! Message me while I'm away. I want to know whether you want a major plot twist! Ok, I have already planned most of the deaths, so you can't change them. Especially since I know the victors, mwahaha! Tell me if you want an extra ally. Tell me if you want me to kill of someone sooner. Tell me everything!

And warning, short chapter. Enough to last you a little bit. I won't leave a cliffhanger because I'm not that mean. If our positions were switched, and you guys left a major cliffhanger then went on holiday. That would be torture for me. I won't eat, I won't sleep. I'll book a flight to wherever you are going and make you tell me the ending :D

Ok, enoughs enough. Lets give you this really really short chapter!


(Rose's POV)

We made it to District 4. It's sundown. We faced the diamonds from 1, the quick sand from 2, and we just found out about the piranhas. Long story short, we'll find some water elsewhere.

We hear the anthem play. I look up towards the sky, ready to see the death toll. Please, not my father, not my father, please don't have left me...

They show the Districts in order. Too many to name. At least a third of all tributes are dead. District 1 first. At least 2 are dead. There are too many deaths to say them from each District. But so far, there is at least one death per district. They show the girl Jack killed. They show the male I killed. They show Rachel. Tears are shed. Memories relived. I put my three middle fingers to my lips, and bring them to the sky.

District after District, until they get to 12. Fred's picture is shown. We knew he wouldn't make it. He was seam, and had no skills. I didn't know him enough to miss him. They have showed all the under 18's deaths. I counted them. There were 18 dead. And 18 faces. Just when I think it's all over, one more face takes up District 12. Annie Odair.

2 out of our alliance of 4 have just had someone of their own blood murdered. Jack's eyes flood with tears. We all rush in for a group hug. There is no one home for Annie to be sent to. No one there to bury her.

I remember when Jack and I were little, whenever the Games were on; I stayed at Annie's house. My parents were mentors in the Games. She was my non-biological Aunt. She didn't mind whenever Jack and I caused mayhem.

Annie let me play dress up with Jack all the time. She would laugh when I tried to force Jack into a skirt.

Everyone now and then, she would zone out everyone. She would press her hands to her ears to block out a noise no one else can hear.

We weren't really good at comforting her, so we would call Hazelle. She missed her husband too much. At least now, she can be with him.

Jack is now an orphan. He never met his father. Annie's gone now. If he won the Games, he would get his own Victors house. But he would either stay with my parents, or get Hazelle to stay with him.

I can't imagine what's going on in his head. I have never suffered a loss. My aunt Primrose and grandfather died before I was born. Everyone else is still alive and kicking.

I don't know what to do. I'm bad with these sorts of situations. Do I talk to him? Do I give him some space? I settle with in-between and lean in to give him a hug. He doesn't resist. He cries into my shoulder. I stay silent. Let him to whatever he needs to do.

'Ok?' I ask, when Jack stops crying.

'Sane' He replies.

Annie used to say that. After her flashbacks. You would ask if she were ok, she would reply sane. Neither good nor bad. Just, sane.

If there's one thing the Arena's teach you, other than survival, is loss. The Games make lives end quicker. That is what they were made to do.


(Peeta's POV)

{This is going to be really really short. It's only so you can know what is going through Peeta's head after the events of late}

It's hard to process what has happened in the past hour. Annie was killed. She was my friend. I made her wedding cake. We knew what each other were going through. Having moments, or episodes, of insanity.

I was thrilled to find that my daughter is a survivor. She made it through the first day. Her alliance member, Rachel Mason, however didn't.

I wonder what Jack is feeling. He found out his mother died through a television viewing. They showed her picture in the sky. District 12 under her picture. At least she passed in her home. Well, home away from home. She passed in District 4. She tried to get a drink. An innocent action was her end.

None of us deserve to die in the arena. My daughter certainly didn't do anything to deserve this. Which is why, I hope, with every living cell in my body, she can make it home.


Yeah yeah, I know it's short. I hope it gives you a little bit more information? Not a lot went on. Just everyone getting over Annie's death really. 

Here is a little Q&A for ya guys to comment on.

1 ~ Who would you bet on to win? Why?

2 ~ If you were able to sponsor one person one thing, who would it be and what would you sponsor them?

3 ~ If you were in the Hunger Games, what chosen skill would you show the Game Makers? What score do you think you'll get?

4 ~ Who, in your guess, do you think will be the next to die?

5 ~ Quickly design your own tribute. What District? What age? Gender? Name? Skill?

Here are my answers,

1 ~ I'm not going to answer, considering I know who is going to win.

2 ~ I would Sponsor Jack. Something nice to get over the death of his mother. Maybe her favourite food? Something that reminds Jack of her.

3 ~ I would actually do archery. I have used a bow and arrow before, and I think long distance weapons would be my best choice for me if I were in the Games. Unfortunately, I can't shoot straight. Especially under pressure. So I will probably get a 4.

4 ~ Again, not going to answer. Already know who is next to die.

5 ~ I have designed already LOADS of tributes for my story, but I'm going to answer this question anyway.

Name: Ivy

Gender: Female

District: 7

Chosen Skill: Axe and Knives

Training Score: 8

Thats all and don't forget to vote, ask questions, and answer my little Q&A thing I randomly put up!

Bye Bye and see you guys when I get back!

Now I'm going to get back to resting now...

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