Authors Note ~ I'm Sorry

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I'm going on holidays tomorrow! yay! I won't have any internet or wifi where I'm going so I won't be able update. Don't worry, I'll have a trusty pen and paper and write my chapters while I'm there (If I have time with all the fun stuff I'll be doing) so there will be a few updates when I get back.

I was going to be nice to you guys, and publish a really short chapter, it's even almost done, but I have had a horrible night and today definitely isn't my best. I'm really sorry guys, I feel like I am disappointing you, but I feel horrible and I'm really not up to it. I'll make it up to you guys when I get back. Lots of updates!

Also, if you have any questions, comment or private message me. My brother will be here and he is my editor. He knows everything there is to know. So, he will be my secretary? and take messages.

Again, really sorry, but I can't really do anything today. I'm exhausted. Now, I'm going to go back to curling up on my bed sleeping and listening to my tunes... 

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