Chapter 7 ~ Interviews and Games Part 1

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Ok Guys, I would like you to comment on who your favourite character in this book is. I would just like to know who the most favourable character is.

Just warning you there is a lot of POV changes, I have had way too much Rose POV's so I thought I might change it up a bit

Also I would appreciate it if all of you guys can vote and comment! I don't like it when people are ghost readers (When people read the book and don't leave any clue that they have been there) so I would really appreciate votes!

Thx – Jorja

(Peeta's POV)

I turn to see everyone giggling. Two girls, who I am assuming are the twins Rose told me about, are rolling on the floor laughing. While Gale's daughter seems to be trying to contain her laughter and Rose has the hiccups. I'm about to ask what the fuss is about when I notice Jack is on the floor, next to a fallen rack of weights.

'Are all the girls picking on Jack?' I ask

All I get are innocent looks from all the girls.

I walk off laughing, heading off towards the rope climbing. Just as I grab hold of a rope I hear a yelp and see a silhouette fall from the sky.


'Are you ok?' I ask, bending down to get a better look at the injury

'I'm, ahh, fine' replies the fallen figure, stretching her shoulder.

'You sure?'

'Yes, I'm fine. I'm Erika, District 3' She says, offering a handshake

I take it and reply 'Peeta, District 12'

'No kidding, I mean, who doesn't know who you are?'

'Well I'm sorry, I was just being polite'

'Yea ok'

After a few moments of silence I try to start up a new topic.

'Some Games huh'

'Some Games' replies Erika, and sighs.

We go back to silence.

'Think you can make it to the top this time?' I ask, looking towards the ropes.


'Fancy a race then?'

'Your on!'


(Katniss POV)

I walk into the dining room. I'm really impatient and want training to be over. I'm a mentor, so I'm not allowed in the training room. Usually during training, I take a nap. But I'm too anxious.

'Haymitch' I say, shaking him awake. He is passed out on the dining table. Not because he's drunk, but because he's as anxious as I am. He can't sleep.

'Haymitch' I say a little louder. I don't know what Faye will do if she sees Haymitch asleep, but I know it won't be good. She isn't as half as good as an escort as Effie. Effie had it down to a science whereas Faye just rushes as around without a clue.

'You won't believe what_____Haymitch!' Speak of the devil

Haymitch jumps awake flinging a fork around. Obviously he couldn't find the usual knife he keeps.

'You disgust me' and Faye walks off.

'What did she want'?

'Not a clue. How much longer until training is over?'

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