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*Perrie POV*

We sat on the grass field, eating little sweets that will soon make our teeth rot while we made conversation with random topics that emerged out of our heads. It was always like this, we would meet up at the back of the park after school and talk about anything we can. Jade was surprised to see me on time at our spot today. It's not that I deliberately want to be late, I do feel bad that I always have to make her wait for my arrival.

It was shock to everyone when a bond between us two girls formed with each other, it may be because we are the complete opposite from the other. I envy how Jade can ace all her classes and how she can manage to wrap every teacher around her finger like it was a simply easy thing to do. She was always a person to set herself a task, works towards it, and achieves it. But me, I'm however a whole different story. I'm someone usually who has after school detentions. It's hard to be puntual in our after school hang outs if you're always stuck in detention.

Luckily, Jade is forgiving everytime, and tries to help me improve. That's what makes our friendship work, our differences from each other shapes us to be better people.

My mouth was still blabbering about an annoying guy in our school called Jordan, but stopped when I noticed that Jade was too mused in her own thoughts to listen to my machine like mouth.

"You alright?" I called, setting my hand on her shoulder. Her head turned my direction and a smile popped up on her face. Instead of answering my question, she asks, "How long have we known each other?"

My brain racked around, searching for an answer. "I think about nine months already." She answered her own question and chuckle. I gazed to the sky, stopping when I felt her standing up. She offered her hand out to me, I grab it and stood on my feet as well.

"Why are we standing up?"

"I don't know, just felt like I needed to do something that will seal our deal of being best friends, but I don't know what. I was thinking of yelling 'BESTFRIENDS' in the air like in the books, but I realized how cringe worthy it is. But who cares?"

"BESTFRIENDS!" Some peope from afar looked at us like we were crazy. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. I'm flummoxed by the confidence she had to do it, Jade was always shy and tend to cower behind me.

"You're such a weirdo." I said in adminration as I plopped back down, my face turning slightly when I felt the grass stabbing into my legs.  "We're gonna get weird all night." She sang to herself while she set her head on my thigh.

'She's just something else, nothing can compare.' A voice said in my head while I played with her perfectly curled brown hair. I scolded myself mentally and shook the voice away, as if, it was that easy. Since I first met Jade —and as cliche as this sounds— I have to develop 'strong' feelings for the older geordie. Our mothers are somehow cognizant about this situation, I don't know how they found out, they just did.

"Promise?" She held out her pinky finger. "Promise what?" I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion. "You'll never leave my side, right?"

"Isn't doing a pinky promise cringe worthy too?"

"Shut up and just do it."


"I never will, I promise." I held my picky out and curled it with her.

---Two Years Later---

I was awoken by my mother's obnoxious yelling and constant shaking. "Perrie, wake up. I t's the first day of school, you can't be late." My mum continued shaking my body, which resulted in me whining in disapproval and pulling the blanket over my head.

After a good five minutes of trying, she finally left me in peace, making a contented sigh escape my mouth.

*Jade POV*

Debbie ascended down the stairs, complaining about how much her daughter loves sleeping. She gave up trying to wake her lazy bum up

I offered to help.

I entered her bedroom and kneeled down as the same level as her, whispering in her ear, "Wakey wakey, Perriewinkle." She huffed out a puff of air and slapped me away.

"Go away, you ass!"

"How am I the ass? You were the one who slapped me."

"You have no proof. Now, if you kindly leave me alone, your existence is pissing me off." The smug smile stuck on her face irritated the shit out me, I wanted nothing but to kick it away. "Fine, be like that."

I left her room and returned holding a cup of water I got from the bathroom sink. I splashed the cup on her head, making her jump up in surprise. My arms push my stomach in as I struggle to breathe properly due to the laughter erupting from my mouth.

"What the heck, Jade?!" Perrie yelled, clear annoyance lacing over her northern accent as she wiped the water away from her eyes. "You wouldn't wake up. I did what I had to do." I stuck my tongue out at her, getting hit on the head with a pillow she flung over as a result.

I helped her up from the bed, which involved alot of protesting and grunting as I tried to drag her up. We went down the kitchen to eat some of that delicious breakfast her mom made for us.

"Did you take a shower in bed dear?" Debbie made a light-hearted laugh at her drenched daughter. Perrie stomped on the floor like a child. "Don't go throwing a paddy ya big baby, go shower!" She glared at us before going in the bathroom to take a proper shower.

"Can you wake Caitlin up for me, Jade?" Debbie asked. I stagger away to Caitlin's room, waking the youngest Edwards, which took less effort and is much easier than doing it to her older sister.


We neared our school, greeting some people we know as we pass by them. She stopped right in front of the school gates which makes me do the same. But I had to pull her to the side, so we wouldn't block anyone from entering.

"We won't be different right?" She asked and looks at me straight in the eyes, it's clear from the way her face distorted that she was genuinely worried about this matter happening. "Of course we won't." I smiled, my mind wondering why she would think that. "No matter what, I'll always be here with you through everything." I reassured, taking her pale smooth hands with mine.

"Sorry about this. I just have a really bad feeling that something bad is gonna happen this year."

"Nah, it's just your nerves. I have a feeling that this will be the best year yet!" I cheered happily.

"You ready now?" I asked. She nodded her head, her blonde hair shaking side to side. I dragged her to our lockers, which was right across the hall from each other. The hall started to fill with more students. Some were still eating breakfast, as some were grabbing books from their lockers, even some squads were formed, silently judging people as they pass by.

"School has officially started." I caught on what the blonde beauty mumbled to herself. "Yeah. At least we're together right? I don't think I can do this alone." I looked at her and smiled as warmly as I could. "Yeah, me too. Forever remember?"

"Yeah probably not forever, I don't know how long I can survive seeing your face."

I almost wanted to gag at our conversation, so I decided to let my mind speak out to her, "We're so cheesy, it's disgusting. We should stop this." I said, making us explode in laughter. "Well, it's your fault for being such a sap."

I opened my locker and grab my required book for class. "I'm going to class, see you in lunch then?" I asked and she nodded, her blonde hair bouncing against her shoulder slightly.

"What class do you have first?" I asked and she checked the time schedule she taped to her locker. "Uh, History."

"Alright, have fun in class."

"Trust me, there is nothing fun about History." We hugged one last time before heading to class.


I hope everyone enjoys my first attempt of a fanfic, feel free to tell me any errors about it or ask things you don't understand.😘😘

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