[Chapter 13]

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*Perrie POV*

"Per, come on. We have to go right now or we'll be late!" I heard Niall yell. "Coming." I yelled back while I fixed my uniform. It feels weird wearing a unifrom again.

"Pez! Get in the car now!" He demanded.

He turned on the engine and we fastened our seatbelts.  "Ready? Let's show people how much you have change since they last saw you." He asked me. I nodded and replaced my nervous face with a confident facade.

"Yeah, come on."

We entered the school and I was getting really scared. My paranoia was slowly returning in my head while I pass by familar faces in the hall. I held on to the blonde boy's arm as I felt people staring at me.

"We'll go to the school office first and pick up your required stuff." We stopped by the main office of the school, waiting for someone to help me with my stuff.

"You wait here, I'm going to my locker and find my other friends. They must be very worried, I haven't spoken to them for a month. My locker number is 1105 by the way, just come to me when you need me."

I rang the bell on the counter again and someone finally decided to help me. "Are you Perrie Edwards, the transfer from America?" An old man asked.

"Yeah, that's me." I replied, backing away nervously. "Okay, here's your schedule and locker number." He handed me a piece of paper, I thanked him and left. I than began my search for Niall's locker.

"Hey Nialler!" I yelled when I spotted him. I realized that got more attention from people, It made me want to curl up in a ball. He must have noticed the way how my shoulders fell and shot me a symphatic smile before pulling me near his locker.

"So, what's your locker number?" He asked, grabbing his Math book from his locker. I handed him the piece of paper that was given to me. "Let's take a look."

"So your locker number is 1120 and you have English first. Want me to show you where you need to go?" He offered and I nodded my head immediately.

"So have you found your friends?" I asked while we walked. "Don't know, they're probably in class already." We came across my locker 1120 and I placed all my unneeded books inside. He then guided me to my first period, which is English.

"Bye, see you later, good luck in class!"

"Goodbye." I responded, going to my teacher to hand in my paper.

"Good morning class!" the teacher yelled, but no one listened to him. He apologized to me and screamed louder, "Class!" He made the students shut up and turned their gaze to me.

"This is Perrie Edwards, She is a transfer from the US." The teacher introduced me as I wave my hand to the crowd.

"Perrie? Damn you got hotter! I would've banged you if you were this hot before." I heard one of the student yell and half of the class laughed at his comment. "Mr. Banjo! Detention after class." Mr. Lance(I think his name is) yelled. Banjo? Isn't him one of Sam's mate?

I asked my teacher where to sit. He pointed at an available seat in the back. I nodded and walked to my spot.

I sat in class impatiently, it was really boring, and that guy Jordan kept annoying me. I was checking the time every minute. After an hour which felt like a whole day, the bell finally rang. I grabbed my stuff and rushed out.

"Class Dismiss!" The teacher yelled while everybody exited the classroom, I waved the teacher goodbye before exiting the class room. I headed to my locker and checked my next class.

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